How to start Generic Medicine marketing Company?


Have been thinking about the below way for sometime now. It’s amazing to see your’s kind of article. Really appreciable.
Thought of asking help as couple of things remains vague. Please go through below and suggest…

  • Intention is to get generic medicines manufactured from third party and do the marketing/possible wholesale / sale.
  • As for entities, it will be 1 man and 1 woman partnership company( why not pvt Ltd!). wanna get manufactured by a company registered at outstation, preferably at Mumbai…or any preferred location. Marketing will be done in jharkhand state, through another subsidiary of outstation mine company or through independent company but by same company prefix name
  • Please suggest the best course of action and required procedure along. Any entity who provides complete package for a cost

Many thanks indeed.


We will explain it by providing few Articles links, so you can read in detail about that in detail:

Marketing company can be started by similar way in all marketing types i.e. generic, ethical, otc etc. Same procedure will be followed; Read: How to start Pharma marketing Company?

You can start generic medicine company by getting manufactured your products at Third Party Basis. You can read: Complete procedure of Third party manufacturing in Pharma

If you are more than one partners then you can choose to establish partnership firm or Private Limited company, as you think good. Read Here: Procedure of company registration. For your query related to registration at outstation, you can follow our article: What is Marketing Address ? Is it possible to have marketing address and operation from different places?

You can also read our article: Types of Marketing address for more information

You will need wholesale drug license number and GST number at place from where you will operate, stock, receive, dispatch and sale the medicines. You can’t stock medicine at premises where you don’t have drug license number. So, register your company at outstation where you want but take drug license and sale tax number at place where you are going to handle all work. Read all documentation required for starting pharma marketing company

Read also few articles that may be helpful for you…

Hope above information was useful to you… For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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