What is the requirements and Challenges one has to face to start Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Unit?

Sir being a b. tech graduate, I am much more interested in pharmaceutical field. Sir I wanna start pharma manufacturing unit in hyderabad.
What are the requirements and challenges I has to face and how to get recruitment of staff i.e. chemist and technical staff.
Here what is the qualification or eligibility of technical staff.
How much investment required and from where to get the raw material .
Sir one more thing is I am planing to start pharmacy retail outlets along with manufacturing unit.
Is this a good idea and how far it helps. Waiting for replay 

Requirements and procedure for starting pharmaceutical manufacturing companies will be same for all graduates. Before providing advice to any of your query, we will suggest you to start with doing job in pharmaceutical sector or start with marketed by company.


Complete Requirements, area, machinery and Business Plan for Pharmaceutical manufacturing, requirements, machinery and equipment

Pharmaceutical manufacturing unit is complicated process. We are not demotivating you but our purpose is to provide some insights about pharmaceutical unit if you are going start pharmaceutical manufacturing unit. Requirements and procedure you can read at our article: How to start pharmaceutical manufacturing unit?

Pharmaceutical field has different marketing and sale channel. It’s sale depends at doctors. And for generating prescription from doctors, you need good and experienced sales force. You can read here : type of marketing and distribution in pharmaceutical sector

Retail outlets is good option but this can be done by only having marketing company. Manufacturing unit expenses can’t be excel out from retail outlets or you should have sales outlets throughout India at big level. At present manufacturing companies has following types of outputs and source of Income:

Big Pharma Companies:

  • Ethical/Branded Marketing 
  • Generic Marketing 
  • Export/outsourcing 

Small/Medium type Manufacturing Companies:

There may be many other types but above mentioned is generally responsible for their sale.You may select from above mentioned type which will be best suitable for you.

Challenges you may face are:

  • Investment 
  • Premises and Unit Requirements formalities completion 
  • Drug Department 
  • Plant layout set-up 
  • Approval of Manufacturing License number 
  • Completion of documentation 
  • Recruitment of Qualified staff ( You have to recruit well experienced person as you don’t know any thing about production and administration) 
  • Recruitment of non qualified staff 
  • Sales and Marketing etc 

Investment depend at size and type of manufacturing unit but roughly you may need above fifty lakh investment for small level and that is minimum. Maximum you can’t assume. Pharmaceutical plant set-up is expensive one. Plant should be fully air conditioned and should have AHU and Air Lock system. It Shall be so situated and shall have such measures as to avoid risk of contamination from external environment including open sewage, drain, public lavatory or any factory which produces disagreeable fumes, excessive shoot, dust, smoke, chemical or biological emission.

For recruitment of staff, Placement agencies will be helpful to you. In starting you should have atleast one manufacturing chemist and one analytical chemist. Supervisor you can recruit as per your requirement in starting. If we talk about non qualified staff, you may need machine man for punching machine, capsule filling machine, blister/alu-alu machine, liquid filling machine, sealing and labeling etc. You will also need persons for packing. Qualified staff will cause major monthly expensive for you in your manufacturing plant. They are highly salaried persons.

Manufacturing Chemists should be duly registered under drug control department. Production Supervisor should have at least B. Pharmacy or B.Sc. Non technical staff, you can recruit at experience basis. Raw material supply will not be big issue, there is number of raw material supplier present all over India. They will provide you raw material to unit.

We recommend you to start only if you have knowledge and experience about pharmaceutical manufacturing unit. Otherwise starting with pharma marketing company is best idea in India at present in Pharmaceutical market to start with. Minimum expensive and good margins. Most of persons in pharmaceutical sector try to start with marketing company unless they have expose and experience to run pharmaceutical manufacturing unit or they have enough sale to run a manufacturing unit at least for eight hours a day.

Hope above information was useful to you….

Read: Complete Requirements, area, machinery and Business Plan for Pharmaceutical manufacturing, requirements, machinery and equipment

If above query was not related to your query, you can revert with mail or contact us at following details for accurate response.   mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com for any query and suggestion

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