Importance of Website Building and Promotion in pcd company

Few years ago, important of website was negligible in pcd market. Most of distributors didn’t know to use internet. Phone calls were main source for receiving order and sending dispatch details and drug books, news papers was only source of advertisement for franchise/pcd companies.

Distributors/pcd parties were searched in these books and call or sms their contact information to companies. But with time, pcd/franchise marketing has become digitalized. We may be wrong here but as per our knowledge 8 out of 10 queries come through internet. As internet becoming important for everyone, use of internet is increasing in pcd pharma.

For quick response, you can use business portals for getting queries from distributors. But company’s own website has unique impression at customer’s mind set. One English proverb say, “ First Impression is last Impression” and company website is first impression in era of digitalization. Every person searches at Google about company before associating with it. Think, what will be your impression if a customer doesn’t found you at internet or just found your company profile at business portals only.

Building website is an important task. If you think website is costlier thing then think again. It is one of the cheap way to promote your business. Website could be designed and maintained lesser than ten thousand rupees. You can contact us for website building. We have website partner who will provide website at best rates with 24*7 Service.

First have a look at benefits of Website:

  • Build Brand Image
  • Create online presence
  • Provide information about company to visitor
  • Complete information about your products and molecules
  • Your company contact numbers
  • Pcd/ franchise Query generator
  • Products images and visual images. Quick links to download your product list from your website.
  • And Many more

Which qualities website should have?

  • Attracting and Pleasing
  • Mobile friendly 
  • Unique contents and easily navigational
  • Accurate and complete information about company, vision, expansion plan, achievements, career opportunities, contact detail etc
  • Product list with Brand Name, Composition, Packing type, pack etc. If Possible images of all products also
  • Contact form to send queries
  • Business mail associated with your website e.g. or etc
  • Visit a Business website to see the Example: Herbal Company Website

How could you use your website to generate leads through Google Adwords and Facebook?

Google adwords is important tool for pcd companies in converting online. For more detail read our artice: What is adwords and how can it be used for generating business?

Facebook is also becoming important in promoting your company. Facebook ad is user specific and can be targeted on basis of location and profession of persons. While advertising at Google and facebook, your ad should be redirected to your website. Landing page of your website should have all detail about your company including contact information and contact form.

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