Ayurvedic classical products manufacturing at own brand name

We are the manufacturer of all ayurvedic patent and classical products. For distribution, franchise and third party manufacturing of all ayurvedic, herbal and natural products, you contact us. One query we have received from our reader. We are presenting for your help how can you start your ayurvedic marketing company with classical products. Few parts of discussion is:

Contact us at 8059478187 or mail at contact@elzac.in for third party manufacturing, distribution and franchise of ayurvedic/herbal products.


Can Ayurvedic companies prepare medicine with classical reference for our company with our brand name on third party basis?


Sure sir,
All general and patent products you can get in your brand name at third party manufacturing basis. All products could be manufactured in your brand name except classical. In classical products you have to mention classical name like arjunaristha, pancharistha etc. You can mention your company name above classical name as you see in products of big Ayurvedic companies. For example your company name + pancharistha, damularistha etc.

Shown in Image Below for Elzac Herbals Product Label:

All products are prepared with classical references. (Read How to start Ayurvedic company?)


Sir if i want sutshekhar or kamdudha then should i get it with my brand name ? And what should be the presentation ?

It will be like
Your company name or name you want
Below it
Sutshekhar rasa or kamdudh

And marketed by address of your company
all products will like your brand, only manufacturd by name and address will mention at any place and size as you want.
As in case of big ayurvedic company sutshekhar rasa. please find the image for your reference. All companies have to mention classical product name in label.

Read Related: How to sell ayurvedic medicines online?

Classical Product Label Sample

Other than these classical products, we are manufacturer of proprietary and patented ayurvedic products. List of products, we are providing below:

Liquid Dosage Section
Ayurvedic Propreitory Medicines
1Anti-CoughAyurvedic Cough Syrup with strong Formula useful in cold, dry cough, whooping cough, productive cough & cough due to tonsilitis etc
2Cough CareAyurvedic Cough Syrup with strong Formula
3ElBasAyurvedic Alkaliser Syrup (Sugar Free) useful in Stone Disorders, Dysuria, Burning Micturition, Crystalluria, Renal Calcui etc.
4Elz-KufAyurvedic Cough Syrup with strong Formula
5Elz-PureAyurvedic Blood Purifier Syrup useful in Pimples, Boil abscess, itching, and allied skin complaints due to blood impurity etc.
6ElzymEnzyme and Digestive Syrup useful in Indigestion, Loss of appetite, Flatulence, Dyspepsia etc.
7Elzym-LLiver tonic plus Enzyme Syrup useful in approving apetite and metabolism, useful in all type of infective hepatitis, provides protection against hepatotoxicity etc.
8ElcidAntacid and Antiflatulent Syrup useful in heartburn, Dyspepsia, Anorexia & Flatulence etc
9Heptoliv PlusAyurvedic  Liver Tonic useful in loss of appetite, Jaundice, Enlarged liver, Heptotoxicity & Malabsorption, Cirrhosis of Liver & Alcoholism etc
10UdramritAntacid Syrup Useful in Anorexia, Dyspepsia and Flatulence
11UtiZacAn Ayurvedic Uterine Tonic useful in Menstrual cycle regulation, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal Syndroms etc
12Uvi-ToneAn Ayurvedic Uterine Tonic useful in Menstrual cycle regulation, Dysmenorrhea, Menorrhagia, Leucorrhoea, Menopausal Syndroms etc
1AbhayarishtaSupportive remedy for piles and fistula-in-ano
2AmritarishtaImmunostimulant in recurrent liver, spleen and pyrexic dysfunctions
3ArjunarishtaCardioprotective, hypocholesterolemic
4Arvindasavauseful in child digestive power etc.
5AshokarishtaMenstrual cycle regulator
6AshwagandharishtaAnti-stress and nervine tonic
7BabbulyadharisthaUseful in all cough etc.
8BalaristhaComplete body tonic and increases power and strength etc.
9BharingrajasavaUseful in treating mucus cough and asthma etc.
10ChandasavaUseful in stone and burning sensation in Urine
11DashmularishtaFemale reproductive health normaliser after delivery, general tonic for females
12DrakshasavaAnabolic tonic
13JeerakaghristhaUseful in weakness and fever after delivery in women etc.
14Kanakasavauseful in old cough and asthma etc.
16Kumariyasavauseful in anaemia, blood loss etc.
17Kutjaristhauseful in diarrhea etc
18LodhrasavaUseful in Gynaecological Disorder
19LohasavaUseful in anaemia
20Maha Mjishtha DharishtaUseful in itching, ring worm and other skin diseases
21Maharasnadi KwathAnti-rheumatic, Anti-inflammatory
22MustakaristhaIncrease digestive power and helpful in increasing hungerness etc.
23pantragasavaWeakness remover specially helpful in women etc.
24PunarnavasavaUseful in stomach, liver diseases
25rohitakaristhaUseful in liver problems and jaundice etc.
26sarivaghasavaBlood purifier and useful in all skin diseases etc.
27sarshvtaristhaIncrease memory power and treats mental problems etc.
28ushirasavaUseful in raktpit and ajirnh etc.
29Vasakasavauseful in asthma and respiration diseases etc.
30VidangaristhaUseful in removing worms and treating all stomach problems etc.
Kada and Kwaths
1DiabaZacBest Ayurvedic Preparation for Diabetic Patients
2Datu PoshtikHelpful in Balya, Increasing Sperm Count, Rasayana & Sexual Desire etc
3Shahi Aloevera KwathImmunity Boaster, useful in ageing, high blood pressure, mental stress, liver weakness, eye sights, gas, constipation, acidity etc
4Shahi Amla Plus KwathUseful in high blood pressure, mental stress, liver weakness, acidity, chronic fevers, immunity boaster, increasing digestion, provides strenght etc
5Shahi Noni Plus KwathUseful in providing strenght, relieves mental stress, liver weakness, acidity, chronic fevers, immunity boaster, increasing digestion etc
6Shahi Triphala KwathUseful in Diabetes, Bronchitis, Joint pains, Pimples, Cancer, Asthma, Psoriasis, Arthritis, Eczema, Sun Burn, Body Pain, cervical, hair loss, Graying of hair, Heart problems, Cholesterol, Digestive System, stamina, immunity, skin problems, bleeding gum, Toxins, stress, liver and kidney problems etc
7Giloy PlusUseful in viral infections ( like Dengue, Maleria, Chickengunea), gouts, vomiting, cardiac debility, skin diseases, anemia, cough, jaundice, seminal weakness  etc
8Jamun ShrikaUseful in Diabetes, Stomach disorders and anemia etc
Solid Dosage Form Section
Tablet/Capsule Section
1Arogya Vardhani VatiUseful in Constipation, Pimples, Diabetes, Joint pain and Fat
2ArshKuthar RasUseful in all types of Piles
3Chandra Prabha VatiUseful in Leucorrea, irregular menstrution, weakness, urine infeaction etc
4Elz-Plate UPUseful in chronic fevers like dengue, malaria etc, Enhance Platelets Count
5Heptoliv PlusHepato-Protective Capsules
6LivinHepato-Protective Tablets
7LivolHepato-Protective Capsules
8Praval PishtiNatural Calcium Source
9Plat PillIncreases Platelets counts, increases body immunity, stimulates body enzymatic system, increases red blood cells, Cleanse body organs and gastrointestinal system from debris etc
10OrthoZac Analgesic/Pain Killer Capsules
11OrthoZac GoldAnalgesic/Pain Killer Tablets
12Rejuvenator (Blister Pack)Sexual Enhancer Capsules
13Seven Power CapSexual Enhancer Capsules
14Shilajit CapsuleHerbal Stamina Enhancer Capsules
15SipzymeEnzyme Tablets
16Maha Yograj Guggul VatiRheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis
Churna/Powder Section
1Avipattikar ChurnaSupportive remedy for hyperacidity and constipation
2Dant Prabhakar ManjanUseful for sensitive teeths, Bad breath, Pyrrhea etc
3Elz-FibeIspaghula Husk etc, Useful in Constipation
4Hingwastak ChurnaDigestive and anti-flatulent
5Lavan Bhaskar ChurnaDigestive, carminative
6No Gas ChurnaGas, Constipation, acidity, Heart burn etc
7Panchasakar ChurnaUseful in increasing digestive power and hunger
8Praval PishtiNatural Calcium Source
9Sitopaladi ChurnaBronchial antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant, with honey
10Supari PakGeneral tonic for reproductive health in females
11Triphala ChurnaMild laxative, antibacterial
Miscellaneous Section
Oil/Spray Section
1OrthoZac GoldAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Oil
2OrthoZac GoldAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Relief Spray
3Maha Narayana OilAyurvedic Analgesic Joint Pain Killer Oil
4NenelHair Oil
Avela Section
1ChyawanprashAll-in-One’ rejuvenating, age-sustaining and immunostimulant tonic
2VasavlehaUseful in Respiratory diseases like Cough and Troat, stomach Diseaese
Bhasma and Pishti
1BhasmaAbhrak Bhasam, Kasis Bhasam, Godanti Bhasam, Mandur Bhasam, Loh Bhasam, Shank Bhasam, Swarn Makshik Bhasam, Kukkuthandhtvk Bhasam, Vang Bhasam, Tankan bhasam, Ras sindhur Bhasam etc
2Pishti/VatiMukta Pishti, Jaharmohra Khatai Pishti, Maha Laxmi Vilas Ras Vati, Praval Pishti, Mahayograj guggul vati, Giloy Gan Vati, Balbadha Ras Vati etc

Mail us for more detail at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com or Call us at 8930765982 for telephonic discussion…


  1. interested in franchise of classical and patent ayurvedic products. request you to send the price list

  2. क्या शास्त्रोक्त आयुर्वेदिक दवा के लेबल पर मार्केटिंग कंपनी के अलावा दवा बनाने वाली कंपनी का नाम देना जरूरी है

  3. Pls call

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