How to start surgical dressing and medical device pharma company?



Location and surroundings – The factory building(s) shall be located in a sanitary place and hygienic conditions shall be maintained in the premises. Premises shall be not used for residence or be interconnected with residence. It shall be well ventilated and clean.

Buildings – The buildings used for the factory shall be constructed so as to permit production under hygienic conditions and not to permit entry of insets, rodents, flies etc. The walls of the rooms in which manufacturing operations are carried out, shall be up to a height of six feet from the floor, be smooth, water proof and capable of being kept clean. The floor shall be smooth, even and washable and shall be such as not to permit retention or accumulation of dust.

Water supply- The water used in manufacture shall be of potable quality.

Disposal of waste – Suitable arrangements shall be made for disposal of waste water.

Health, Clothing and Sanitation of workers – All workers shall be free from contagious or infectious diseases. They shall be provided with clean uniforms, masks, head gears and gloves wherever required. Washing facilities shall also be provided.

Medical Services – Adequate facilities for first-aid shall be provided.

Workbenches shall be provided for carrying out operations such as moulding, assembling, labeling, packing etc. such benches shall be fitted with smooth impervious tops capable of being washed.

Adequate facilities shall be provided wherever required for cleaning, washing, drying of different containers of devices.

The premises shall be kept under controlled conditions of temperature and humidity so as to prevent any deterioration in the properties of materials and products due to storage and process conditions.

2. Requirements for Manufacture of Medical Devices-

The process of manufacture of medical devices shall be conducted at the licensed premises, wherever required, and shall be divided into the following separate operations/Sections:-

  • Moulding (wherever manufacture of medical devices is to start from granules).
  • Assembling (include cutting, washing and drying, sealing, packing, labeling, etc.)
  • Raw Materials.
  • Storage Area.
  • Washing, drying and sealing area (wherever required).
  • Sterilization.
  • Testing facilities.

The following equipments and space are recommended for the basic manufacture of different categories of medical devices. –


(1) Moulding:

  • Injection Moulding Machine.
  • Extruder Machine.
  • PVC Resin compounding Machine.

(2) Assembling:

  • Hand Pressing Machine for filter fixing a Drip Chamber.
  • Bag Sealing Machine.
  • Compressor Machine.
  • Leak Testing Bench
  • PVC Tube Cutting Machine.
  • Tube Winding Machine (wherever necessary).
  • Welding Machine (wherever necessary)

An area of 30 square meters for Moulding and 15 square meters for Assembling are recommended for basic installation. The assembling area shall be air-conditioned provided with HEPA filters. The moulding section shall, if necessary, have proper exhaust system.

Note: – An additional area of 20 square meters is recommended for any extra category.


(1) Moulding: –

  • Granulator
  • Injection Moulding Machine.
  • Weighing devices.

(2) Assembling:

  • Blister Pack Machine.
  • Vacuum Dust Cleaner
  • Rubber-tip Washing Machine
  • Foil stamping or screen printing equipment.

An area of 30 square meters for moulding and 15 square metres for assembling are recommended for basic installation. The assembling area shall be air-conditioned provided with HEPA Filters. The moulding section, shall, if necessary, have proper exhaust system.

Note: – An additional area of 20 square meters is recommended for any extra category.


(1) Moulding:

  • Needle grinding and leveling machine.
  • Electro Polishing Machine.
  • Cutting Machine
  • Injection Moulding Machine.
  • Needle Pointing Deburrine Machine
  • Air-compressor.

(2) Assembling:

  • Needle cleaning Machine with Magnetic Separator.
  • Blister Packing Machine.
  • Needle Inspection Unit.

An area of 30 square meters for Moulding and 15 square meters for Assembling are recommended for basic installation. The assembling area shall be air-conditioned provided with HEPA filters. The molding section shall, if necessary, have proper exhaust system.

Note: – An additional area of 20 square meters is recommended for any extra category.

3. Raw Materials –

The licensee shall keep an inventory of all raw materials to be used at any stage of manufacture of devices and shall maintain records as per Schedule U. All such raw materials shall be identified and assigned control reference umber. They shall be conspicuously labeled indicating the name of the material, control reference number, name of the manufacturer and be specially labeled “Under Test” or “ Approved” or “Rejected”. The under test, approved or rejected materials shall appropriately be segregated. These shall be tested for compliance with required standards of quality.

A minimum area of 10 Square meters shall be provided for storage of raw materials.

4. Storage Area –

The licensee shall provide separate storage facilities for quarantine and sterilized products. An area not less than 10 square metre shall be provided for each of them.

5. Washing, drying and sealing area –

The licensee shall provide wherever required adequate equipments like water distillation still, deionizer, washing machine. Dying Oven with trays for washing, drying and sealing of medical device.
An area not less than 10 square metre shall be provided.

6. Sterilization –

The licensee shall provide requisite equipments with required controls and recording device for sterilization of medical devices by Ethylene Oxide Gas in his own premises or may make arrangements with some Institution approved by the Licensing authority for sterilization. The products sterilized in this manner shall be monitored to assure acceptable levels of residual gas and its degradation products. An area of 10 square meters is recommended for basic installation of such facility. Provided that the above equipment may not be required in case the licensee opts for sterilization of medical devices by Ionising Radiation.

7. Testing Facilities –

The licensee shall provide testing laboratory for carrying out Chemical and Physio-Chemical testing of medical devices and of raw materials used in its own premises:

Provided that the Licensing Authority shall permit the licensee in the initial stage to carry out testing of Sterility, Pyrogens, Toxicity on their products from the approved testing institutions but after one renewal period of licensee shall provide testing facilities of all such tests in their own premises.

8. Records –

The licensee shall maintain records of different manufacturing activities with regard to each stage of manufacture in-process control, assembling, packing, batch records for the quantity of devices manufactured from each lot of blended granules, duration of work, hourly quantum of production in respect of each item as well as record of each sterilizing cycle of the gaseous method employed.
Note: – The above requirements of machinery, equipments, space, qualifications are made subject to the modification at the discretion of the Licensing Authority, if he is of the opinion that having regard to the nature and extent of the manufacturing operations it is necessary to relax or alter them in the circumstances of a particular case.


Sir I am doctor ,I planning manufacturing isopropyl alcohol cotton ball for use in clinic and hospital for disinfectant to injection site ,these ball are ready to use
Saturated with alcohol , for this manufacturing drug license is necessary or not


Cotton ball comes under surgical product. You have to need to take surgical products manufacturing license. You can’t manufacturer it without manufacturing license.

It contains isopropyl alcohol, so it may need any other special certification of using alcohol but not confirmed.


Sir rolled cotton bandage need drug license need because many company sell  as rolled cotton fabric without any drug license.


This is  not mentioned for any medicated purpose (Attachment we are not providing here) Cotton ball of which you send attachment is manufactured under fabric industry. We can’t use this cotton for injury dressings or pro-operative procedures. This is not sterile cotton and is cloth grade cotton. Not for medicinal purpose…


Which license need for use isopropyl alcohol as raw material?


The item is covered under drug act and therefore license for this product is compulsory. This license can be obtained from the office of the Joint Commissioner, Food & Drugs Administration situated in almost each district.

The general requirements for obtaining license are as under :

  • Land & Plant Layout 
  • Proof of Ownership of land or consent letter of owner, if the land is taken on rent, as the case may be. 
  • Copy of memorandum of articles of association or partnership deed, list of Directors etc. as the case may be. 
  • Photocopy of the packing material specimen. 
  • Clearance from State Pollution Control Board / Department

Machinery & Equipment for surgical absorbent cotton:

The main equipment required are:

  • Cloth winding 
  • Roll & Bandage making
  • Bandage Printing M/C
  • Baby Electric Boiler
  • Autoclave
  • Accessories/other items 

Surgical dressing:

The following equipment is recommended for the manufacture of surgical dressings other than Absorbent Cotton Wool, namely,-

  • Rolling machine. 
  • Trimming machine. 
  • Cutting equipment. 55 
  • Folding and pressing machine for gauze. 
  • Mixing tanks for processing medicated dressing. 
  • Hot air dry oven. 
  • Steam sterilizer or dry heat sterilizer or other suitable equipment. 
  • Work tables / benches for different operations.


A minimum area of thirty square meters is recommended to allow for the basic installations. In case medicated dressings are to be manufactured, another room with a minimum area of thirty square meters shall be provided.

Hope above information was helpful to you…


  1. for manufacturing(cutting, rolling and packing) of surgical bandages, is there any kind of drug license required.
    if it is req then how many chemists would be required for this process.
    What will be the qualifications of both analytical and manufacturing chemist. how much time license procedure takes to complete.
    pls help

  2. It is an important part for the medical, Your article is helpful for us to know the full procedure and requirement for this. Get the offer a great range of high standard Disposable Gloves Nitrile in UK.

  3. Is it economical to use gamma radiation sterilization of surgical cotton or other products than using steam sterilization?

  4. i want to make absorbent cotton as my own brand ( non sterile ) any licence required for that or not plz help

  5. What kind of licence need for manufacturing cotton crepe bandage? What are the criteria need for that?

    1. You need Manufacturing License for surgical dressings for this

  6. Dear Sir,

    We want to apply for Manufacturing license for Surgical Adhesive tape. Will you be able to help us ??

  7. Sir
    Good morning
    I am technical person of manufacturing surgical dressing products .
    I am 30 years experience of surgical dressing products manufacturing and project planning with machinery
    We r alsoanufactirong elastic adhesive bandage machinery.

  8. sir ground floor of my house is 1000 square foot can i use this space as surgical bandage manufacturing unit? 1st floor I am using as residence purpose but 1st and ground floor have difference entrance. I want just surgical bandage making unit (no medicated bandage)
    west Bengal

    1. For Surgical Manufacturing unit, you need premises at industrial area…

  9. medical disposable is going up

  10. What are the requirements for manufacturing cotton crepe bandage since it is not listed in medical devices act 2017.

  11. I want apply for manufacturing cotton bandage licence…any help

  12. hi for manufacturing bandages do i need to prepare device master file?

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