How should I further proceed and minimum budget for marketing company?


Thank you first of all for your wonderful blog.
I am a MD Pharmacology Doctor. I want to start my own pharma company. But I don’t have any marketing or sales experience. How should I further proceed and minimum budget I need to start. My family member is registered. And I am at the start of my career. Is it right time to do this.


Read complete requirement for starting pharma marketing company here

Minimum budget requirement, you can read at our article: How much investment is required to start pharma comapny?

Without sale and marketing experience you have to suffer at some levels. You can proceed with hiring anyone having sales and marketing experience. At career starting level it is not recommended to start any business. One should proceed in business when he/she has one secure and established income source. Otherwise it is more difficult to make adjustment in both way.

Hope this information will be helpful to you…

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