How can fresher be benefited with pharma franchise?


I am B.pharm fresher ,going to work as medical representative , then how would I get benefited by doing pharma franchise as a part time business? In which area is most selling in Mumbai or in raigad Maharashtra? What are all requirements such as license , fund etc


As you are going to start work of medical representative, you shouldn’t start it along with your career. Pharma Franchise is for experienced pharma professionals. Its your time to build your career, gain experience and knowledge through your work, not think about part time work at career starting.

Part time work should be chosen when you feel, you have a secure and steady career. Do job as medical representative with dedication and sincerity. Learn all aspect of sales and marketing. Build relationship with doctors and other professionals.

After some time when you will have attained experience, you can start pharma franchise of a company by prescribing medicines from doctors to which you are not covering under current job.

Wait for some time. Acquire qualities within you. Learn about market, people, their working style and much more.

Hope above information was useful to you…
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