E-Pharmacy: Registration and Licenses Required

E-pharmacy is emerging concept and getting popularity with use of internet. With increase in online purchase of medicines, new business opportunities are also emerging. E-pharmacy is new in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry but has strong presence in western countries.

In our video and articles, we have covered documents and procedure to start online pharmacy (E-pharmacy) in India. This query is send by our viewer for clarifying doubt regarding starting E-pharmacy in India. Viewer wants to know whether he requires completing all formalities if he only wants to become intermediate between customer and retail stores or not by starting starting online pharmacy business?

If you want to know how to start E-Pharmacy in India click: How to start E-pharmacy Business in India?

Licenses and Requirement for Start E-Pharmacy in India:


Sir I am starting my online medicine website I am just delivering medicine to customer by my app taking some delivery charges, medicines are not sold out by me but I will purchase it from nearby chemist so I am confused regarding documents whether I have to go through all that process which u mentioned in your video or no documentation is required just for delivering medicines which will be uploaded to my site by customer


First thing you need to understand before opening online website for selling medicines is the definition of E-pharmacy.

E-pharmacy means business of distribution or sale, stock, exhibit or offer for sale of drugs through web portal or any other electronic mode.

At your website, you are offering for sale of drugs to get the order from customers. In that case your portal or app comes under E-pharmacy portal. 

E-pharmacy portal means a web or electronic portal or any other electronic mode established and maintained by the e-pharmacy registration holder to conduct business of e-pharmacy.

You have to fulfil all requirements to start your online pharmacy business. You have to register you website or app at central licensing authority before offer for sell medicine through your e-pharmacy website or application.

At least E-pharmacy portal requirements, you have to fulfil. You can skip retail drug license and can tie-up with existing pharmacy and dispense through them.
Check out: How to take retail drug license in India?

Along with E-pharmacy registration and compile with Drug and Cosmetic Act, 1940 & Rules 1945, you have to compile with IT act provisions also.

Hope above information is helpful to you…
For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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