What is the best procedure to start pharma Company?


I want to start a pharmaceutical marketing company ,I gone through your website and got so many ideas but please do me a favour ,give me a brief idea according to my plan..like

I want to start the company with 10 products .so how much space i need initially for office and should I need C&F also ,Ideally how many employee i need to hired and overall how much budget will come .

Please just explain me everything ,what is the best procedure according to you.


Space will be same whether you start with ten products or single products i.e. 10 sq. meter. This space is required for wholesale drug license number approval. For office purpose you can use any attached room or space. Office space is as per your requirement. Read complete Documentation and procedure for starting pharma marketing company here.

We don’t think, you need any c&f in starting. You can directly supply to distributors. You will need a Pharmacist or EP in case you are not a eligible person, otherwise you can handle all things in starting if you have fund problem. Read: How much investment required to start pharma company?

Budget is directly proportional with molecules you select. Without this it is very difficult to give proper budget estimate. Documentation or administration you can suppose to nearly seventy thousand approximate.

Best procedure is to start slowly and without any pressure at mind & start it freely. Clear all you doubt before going into entrepreneurship.

Read below articles related to your query:  

How to calculate MRP, PTS and PTR ?  
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Other business opportunities available in Pharma Sector  

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