Pharma business related to Experience.


I have a query like, I would like to start a pharmaceutical related business in Kerala, but I don’t have a pharmacist license because I am a masters in microbiology only. Still can I start a Pharmaceutical related business? Currently i’am working as a Quality Control lab supervisor for a medicines manufacturing company. I would like to know the pharmaceutical related businesses I can start in Kerala, related to my experience. Appreciate your response. 


For doing pharma business, you will need drug license for starting. For drug license, you will need Pharmacist/Manufacturing chemist/EP depend at nature of pharma business. You can either employ a pharmacist or partnership with any person who is pharmacist or have specific qualification.

Surely you can start business related to your experience. You need to fix your mind at it. Every one can start business with experience and knowledge he has but it takes time to establish it. You need to find out from yourself, in which thing you have deep knowledge. Business is not to manufacture any thing or sell any thing, Business is what for which we get paid. Providing services is also very good business.

If you have deep knowledge in quality control, you can provide service related to quality to other small manufacturing companies who can’t bear expenses of high salary employee.

Second option, you can start trading of laboratory equipment. You have knowledge so you can easily clears all doubts of others related to your products. It will build confidence in your customer and will create deal finalization.

Actually we can only suggest you or recommend you but you are the only person who can guide you in a perfect manner. First you need to find out your qualities and dis qualities, your passion, motivation and Interest. Here Click to find business opportunities in Pharma sector . This will be you broad idea about business opportunities in Pharma sector and choose accordingly.

Hope above information was useful to you…

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