How to do medicine marketing with or without opening a medicine marketing company and their pros and cons?

There are two most common way for starting medicine marketing: One is by opening medicine marketing company and second is by taking pharma franchise and start medicine marketing.

Query Regarding Pharma Marketing:

Sir Can you please make a video on how to do medicine marketing with or without opening a marketing company and their pros and cons


There are two common way for stating medicine marketing. Medicine marketing can be started by setting up medicine marketing company and by taking franchise of Medicine Company.

In case of medicine marketing by setting up marketing company, you also have two options. Either you take your own wholesale drug license or use drug license of Distributor or wholesaler. Same applies in case of franchise marketing, you can take own wholesale drug license or billed medicines by appointing pharmaceutical distributor or wholesaler.

Starting a medicine Marketing:

If you want to start medicine marketing by opening a medicine marketing company then you have following options:

  1. Take own drug license with the name from which you want to set-up marketing company. Apply for drug license. Company registration is optional. You can register you firm under company act or can avoid it. or
  2. Register your company under company act and tie-up with a distributor or wholesaler for receiving, billing, dispatching and stocking of medicines.

If you want to start medicine marketing without opening a medicine marketing company then you have following options:

  1. Take a franchise of Medicine Company and start marketing of products at monopoly basis. Or
  2. Proceed through unethical way practiced by many persons. Don’t take wholesale drug license by name of medicine company you want to start or don’t register your company under company act. Only choose a name for marketed by address which doesn’t have any proof, place, firm name, wholesale drug license firm name etc. And use this name as a marketed by address for getting manufactured your products at third party manufacturing basis. Use wholesale drug license of other firm or appoint pharmaceutical distributor/wholesaler.

You can choose either of above options to start medicine marketing with or without opening a medicine marketing company.

Pros and Cons:

Now come to the pros and cons of starting medicine marketing with or without medicine marketing company.

With starting medicine marketing company:



  • Time consuming process and requires lot of investment as quantity manufactured through third party manufacturing or contract manufacturing will be huge as compare to demand of product in starting.
  • Number of products you could launch will be limited, depend at fund you have in starting, so you have to work with limited product range.

Without Starting Medicine Marketing Company (Franchise Marketing):


  • Less investment and easy to start with readymade products range
  • You will have a large product range and freedom to work with as numbers of products as company has in his product list. You can purchase quantity like 5 box, 10 box, 50 pc etc to keep range to yourself and start medicine marketing


  • You will have marketing rights only in territory assign to you. You will not have any legal rights related to brand names, company name etc and these will be belonging to company that you have started with.
  • You will have only territory, area, district or state to expand where you have marketing rights. You can’t expand to other territories if company already have distributor there. For expanding either you have to take another company franchise or have to launch your own brands.
  • You have to work with already available MRP except you have good quantity of product, you want to purchase
  • If your company selection wasn’t right, after some time company can also appoint another distributor in your assigned area.

Pro and Cons of second option discussed in starting medicine marketing without opening a medicine marketing company will be same as we have discussed in pros and cons of starting medicine marketing company.


Best way to start medicine marketing is to take franchise of Medicine Company for completing product range and introduced your products one by one when you find it easy to launch and promote.

Hope above information is helpful to you…
For any query and suggestion, mail us at  


  1. hi
    i want to create a online platform where all mr asm rsm can do business with the help of our portal
    we will provide chemist margin ,chamist scheme
    stockist margin ,marketing pramotional material ,and good commision to mr /asm/rsm
    iin this case need your suggestion for this new startup
    shailesh runwal
    nasik maharastra

    1. Pharmaceutical Market is based at doctor’s prescription. MR, ASM, RSM are part of sales team.They generate business for their company through convincing doctors to prescribe their brands. Branding and promotion is most important aspect in prescription generation, not just selling.
      As per your proposed online platform, you want to associates MR, ASM, RSM at commission basis. I want to clear few questions before suggestion:
      How much percentage you can provide to MR, ASM, RSM?
      What will be Product delivery channel and distribution channel structure?
      What will be the payment term and conditions?
      Who will be responsible for payment collection?
      How you will convince sales team to sell you product in space where already similar pharma franchise concept is available where sales persons or distributor get products at net rates with monopoly rights, promotional support and high margin excluding chemists margin and stockist margin?

      If you have better way to answer these questions as compare to already existing online portals and pharma franchise companies than your concept is Good.

      1. Thank you sir for considering my concept and giving your valuable time to reply for this..
        You have exactly asked the right question
        We will provide 40% commision
        To Mr /asm/rsm .
        We will be billing directly to Stickist of Mr area which will be suggested by fast Mr
        Payment mode will be advance.
        For example.
        Mr makes billing with us in the name of Stocksit of 10000/-
        We got advance
        So we will transfer 4000/- to kr Ac. As a commision
        Instead of this.
        We will provide
        Chemsit scheme ex. 10+2
        Chemsit margin 25%
        Stockist margin 10%
        Pramotinal input.
        Lastly it will be great if can talk you on phone…

        My. No

  2. Sir mujhe kaam krna h information chahye

    1. Ji Sir
      Aap puch skte hai apko jo information chahiye

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