What are the promotion materials required by Pharmaceutical and Ayurvedic Companies?

Promotion and advertisement is an important aspect of any type of business. In pharmaceutical sector it also plays an important role but pharmaceutical market is different in all aspects from other markets. In pharmaceutical marketing, a product can be sold out from many types i.e. Ethical/Branded, Generic, Pcd/Franchise, OTC etc. Each type of marketing will require different type of techniques and promotional materials to promote products but there are some techniques and materials that are common in all types.

Techniques and ways to promote product from each type of marketing; we have discussed in our previous articles. You can read there about that from following links:

Here we are going to discuss about promotional and advertisement material required promoting pharmaceutical products:

  • Visual Aids (Printed or Electronic)
  • Samples and Sample Catch Covers
  • Product Glossary and Product Cards
  • Reminder Cards, Literatures and Leaf Behind Cards
  • Writing Pads, Diaries, Calendar etc 
  • Banners, Danglers and Posters etc
  • Medical Books/News papers Advertisement
  • Pens, Key Chains, card holders and other accessories
  • Bags, T-Shirts and other promotion materials
  • Order Book, DCR (Daily Call Report) etc

Visual Aids: Visual Aid is most important thing required to start Pharma marketing. Read in detail about visual aid here

Samples and Sample Catch Covers: Samples are provided to healthcare professionals to test the efficacy and potency of particular medicine. Samples are given in pack we called sample catch covers. Design and contents of Sample Catch Covers resemble to actual packaging of product so that it give idea about product and reminding of product’s brand name. Samples are one of the oldest and effective ways to promote product in pharmaceutical sector.     Reminder Card, Literature 

Product Glossary and Product Cards: Product glossary and Product Card contains list of all products available at company. It may contain picture of packaging along with description of products or may only contain description of Products. Length and number of pages of product card depend at number of products are manufactured or/and marketed by a company.        

Reminder Cards, Literatures and Leaf behind Cards: There is large number of sale representative visits to a doctor. It becomes difficult for doctors to remember a particular product’s brand name. Reminder cards and leaf behind cards are in form of small printed material for short description of products including brand name and composition. Literatures are somewhat bigger in size to give detailed information about particular product.

Writing Pads, Diaries and Calendars: Promotion material also includes writing pads, diaries and calendars and related things. These may be out of business but create a long lasting effect at company reputation and brand image. A healthcare profession can avoid reminder, literatures but he can’t ignore a thing, he is using to write or check dates.

Banners, Danglers and Posters: Suppose we are entering into a cabin and a printed or written statement we find at door or walls; that will attract us toward it. The same in case of banners, dangers or posters, they may be helpful to attract a healthcare profession’s attention toward brand and company.

Medical books/News Paper Advertisement: Healthcare profession is innovative profession. There are regular updates in healthcare profession at daily basis. Doctors and other professionals are keen of reading new updates and innovations in healthcare/pharma sector. Books and news papers which has great reader base of doctors and other healthcare professionals.   Medical books       Key Chains

Pen, Key chains and Other Accessories: These small inputs have very strong and long lasting impact at branding. These are the things which are carried in pockets and regularly used at daily basis. Every time a person will use accessory bearing brand name or company logo will remind about it.

Bags, T-Shirts and other promotion materials: There are also some materials that are used frequently in daily life like bags, T-Shirts, Coats, Umbrellas etc and could be useful for branding and converting it into sale.     T-Shirts for Companies

Order Book, DCR (Daily Call Report): Order Book main purpose is to note order conveniently. When a sales person visit to retailer, distributor or/and stockist etc. Order book makes it easy to write down their orders. DCR makes it easy to provide daily visiting report to company by sales representatives.  

If you have any great idea to boast sale in pharmaceutical sector, you can share it to our readers through comment or mail us at below mentioned mail…

Hope above information is useful to you… Mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com for any query and suggestion

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