Top Ten Failure reasons in Pharma Franchise Marketing?

In our daily working life, We always realize Pcd Pharma Franchise companies have huge scope to capture market and beat competition with Prescription Marketing Companies. Few things — that can make the difference for these companies. Firstly we have to study — what are the mistakes that are commonly doing by Pharma Franchise Companies (PCD)?

Not having Vision:

Mojority of pharmaceutical franchise companies work without having future vision. They come with their sales target and expansion. But don’t have any working plan or vision — how to grow along with their associates or Franchise. Not having exact vision to expand business is major thing that are stopping from becoming big player. For most of companies vision section is restricted to website purpose only. 

Lack of Initiative:

Pharma Franchise Companies follow same path as their competitors are doing. Very few companies have capability to take initiative and do something different. For doing big, one has to think big. Experiments and risk is necessary in business to expand. 

Lack of Innovation:

Mostly Pharma Franchise Companies aren’t involved in research and innovation. They follow Multi-Nation company’s steps and their policies. 

Shortage of resources:

Small franchise companies have less resources and funds. Lacking in proper utilization of these resources also play great role. Shortage of resources and fund put Pharma Franchise Companies at setback. 

Unprofessional or poor services:

Shortage of raw material, finished goods and not having proper or qualified staff for particular work causes unprofessionalism and leads to poor services.

Customer Satisfaction:

Pharma Franchise Company’s (PCD) main customers are their Franchisee and Pharmaceutical Distributors. After few dealing most of customers find themselves not properly treated or serviced. Company’s main motive shifted to profit making only, not having satisfied customer. 

Not Updating:

Updating itself is life saver for any business and that is also applicable for pharmaceutical sector. Most of PCD companies have products that will be in every company product list. Most of companies don’t try to update their product list. Instead they concentrate to launch their new division with same products. 


Most of PCD companies are proprietor base. After achieving a goal, they start to play safe game, become saturated and try to resist the risk factors that are basis of growth. 

Not having Expansion Plan:

Most of PCD companies don’t have their expansion plan. PCD Company’s only try to launch their divisions but don’t focus at their expansion. Having more divisions are not the criteria for any company but having Big Brand value matter the most. 

Work Culture:

Pharma Franchise Companies (PCD) don’t have good work culture. They treat their employees as Run Machine. They don’t fulfill their employee’s requirements. That’s the main reason – for not getting loyal and faithful employees. 

These are only few but essential for becoming future giants. Big Names are started with single alphabet. To do big, we have to be big. Customer is God for any business. Customer Satisfaction should be first motive for all.

Hope above article is helpful to you….

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