Seven Quick Tips Regarding Export from India


Please note we are a Marine Related Company from Singapore, and we are very much interested in starting our very own Export Business through the Company to Acquire and Re supply, all types of Medicines to the Ships (Owners / Management Companies, Crew etc) from our Indian Company, we however need a complete detailed list of all the necessary Licenses/Permissions, etc needed to start this business asap.
So please advice us all the details necessary, whom to contact, etc.

  • What/How many, types of Licences/Permissions are needed in India.
  • What are the documents needed in India.
  • Whom/Where do we have to approach/contact for all these procedures in India.
  • What will be the approx necessary Costs.
  • Is any approvals needed from DGCI, and for how long is it valid and how do you renew the same.
  • Do we require an IEC Code, and how is that acquired.
  • Please note this is not to sell in the Markets or to Vendor’s, this Business is only for Ships and Marine Supply.

Please view the above and advice us urgently, with all necessary information, so we can revert with our intentions.


Here we are providing a detailed response regarding your queries: From your query, you are planning to start a Indian Pharma Company. But we are not clear whether you want to start marketing company or manufacturing company. We are assuming your are going to start manufacturing Pharma company in India.

1. For manufacturing Company Set-up in India requires:Company Registration, Manufacturing License, who: gmp certification, wholesale drug license, tax identification number etc. For minimum requirement about manufacturing unit, read our article: How to start Pharma Manufacturing Unit? . Minimum area required for Manufacturing unit read by clicking here
For marketing based company, you need to take wholesale drug license, company registration, GST number. Minimum requirement you can read at our article: How to start pharma marketing company?.
Minimum area should be 10 sq. meter for starting marketing base pharma company.
2. Documents needed can read at above mentioned links.
3. First you need to find out space for your set-up (Marketing or Manufacturing). Any property dealer or space provider can arrange space or premises for your set-up. Premises should compile the minimum basic requirements as per Drug and Cosmetic Act.
For manufacturing company, you have to meet drug control officer of concern state in which Indian state you want to start.
For marketing company, you have to meet drug inspector of District (where your office is located) of Concern State of Indian Territory.
4. Approximate cost of pharma manufacturing read in our article: Pharma Manufacturing Unit Project Report
For marketing company, read Investment required to start pharma marketing company
5. For manufacturing of new molecules permission DCGI approval is required. For other molecules approvals is required by state drug control office.
6. IEC (Import and Export Code) is necessary for all import and export from India. Read IEC by clicking at our article: How to obtain IEC requirement and exporting procedure from India can be read at our article: How to export Pharma Products?
7. For exporting medicines from India, you have to follow above mentioned requirements. For marine and Ship, there will be medical section or medicines will be purchase under tenders. For supplying medicines to ship & marine supply, you have to follow concern company law or international drug related laws.

Hope above information is helpful to you…   For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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