Who is Pharmacist? Role, Duties Qualification, Types, Procedure for registration and Q&A of Pharmacist


Pharmacist is an person who is legally authorized to conduct sale, purchase, stocking, dispensing and all commercial activity related to drug, medicines and pharma products.

Pharmacist is a member of healthcare team who is in direct contact with patients. Pharmacist has undergo education in pharmacy (D. Pharmacy/B.Pharmacy/Pharma D) to study and understand pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic of drugs, mechanism & use of medicines, therapeutic role, dosage form, adverse reactions, drug interactions, drug combination compatibility etc. Pharmacist also has knowledge of anatomy, physiology and psychopathology of human body.

Registered Pharmacist:

Registered Pharmacist is an person who is registered under a State Pharmacy Council of concern state where he is living or pursing his pharmacy profession.

For applying for new registration as a pharmacist, one should have minimum qualification and documentations. Minimum qualification and documentation vary country to country and state to state.  

Qualification for Registration as a Pharmacist:

Candidate should be Diploma in Pharmacy/Bachelor in Pharma/Doctor in Pharmacy to be eligible for applying as a pharmacist registration. Other documentations vary state to state or country to country. Candidate also have to complete three month training in minimum of Primary Healthcare Center under Senior Pharmacist of Hospital before applying for registration.

How to Apply for Pharmacist Registration?

For registration as a Pharmacist, A candidate should have passed minimum of Diploma in Pharmacy or Degree in Pharmacy or Pharma D from an institution recognized under section 12 of the Pharmacy Act.
For Diploma Candidates which is a two year of duration after 10+2(PCM or PCB) requires 500 hours practical training for not less than 3 months duration where as for Degree students no practical training is required.

Requirements for registration may vary state to state or implementation of new law. One must confirm to State pharmacy council before applying for pharmacy registration.

Other than above a applicant should fulfill below requirement to get registration:

  • Applicant should have attained the age of 18 years & pay the prescribed fee.
  • Application should resided or carry on the business or profession of Pharmacy, in the State.
  • Applicant should have passed an approved examination or he should posses a qualification approved under section 14 of the Pharmacy Act or is a registered pharmacist in another state.

Documents required for applying Pharmacist Registration:

Documents and procedure may vary state to state. Some states start online registration while some states still accept manual application form. Candidate should confirm first at State Pharmacy council for documentation and registration for Pharmacist before apply. Common documents require for apply for pharmacist registration are as follow:

  • Application Form with prescribed format along with attested latest photographs of Candidates.
  • Prescribed Fee as per State Pharmacy Council
  • Affidavit on non-judicial stamp of Rs 10/- attested by Notary Public or 1st class magistrate
  • Practical Training Certificate from recognized Government/Semi Government/Civil Dispensary etc.
  • Approval letter copy of Institution/College showing approval from PCI for Pharmacy Course (Diploma/Degree/Pharma D)
  • Character Certificate of Candidate issued by Institution/College last attended
  • Qualification certificate (Diploma/Degree/Pharma D) on the basis of Candidate is applying along matric pass certificate, 12th pass certificate, Diploma certificate etc.
  • Identification and Address proof i.e. Ration Card, Voter ID, Adhar Card, Passport etc.

Type of Pharmacist:

Different types of Pharmacists have different type of role and responsibilities in healthcare sector. Pharmacist could be divided into following types:

  • Community Pharmacist
  • Hospital Pharmacist
  • Drug Information Pharmacist
  • Clinical Pharmacist
  1. Community Pharmacist is an individual currently registered and who works according to legal and ethical guidelines to ensure the correct and safe supply of medical products to the general public. They are involved in maintaining and improving people’s health by providing advice and information as well as supplying prescription medicines;
  2. Hospital Pharmacist is an individual currently registered and who works in a hospital pharmacy service, primarily within the public / private sector. They are responsible for ensuring the safe, appropriate and cost-effective use of medicines. Hospital pharmacists use their specialist knowledge to dispense drugs and advise patients about the medicines which have been prescribed. They work collaboratively with other health care professionals to devise the most appropriate drug treatment for patients. Some pharmacists are also involved in manufacturing required drug treatments.
  3. Drug Information Pharmacist is an individual currently registered who works in a community pharmacy/hospital Pharmacy/teaching hospital/ other health care settings and provides information and advice regarding drug interactions, side effects, dosage and proper medication storage to patients/physicians/dentists/other health care professionals.
  4. Clinical Pharmacist is an individual currently registered and who provides patient care that optimizes the use of medication and promotes health, wellness and disease prevention. Clinical pharmacists care for patients in all health care settings. Clinical pharmacists often collaborate with physicians and other healthcare professionals.

Roles and Duties of a Registered Pharmacist:

  • Dispensing of any prescribed drug shall only be performed by a Registered Pharmacist to a Patient
  • Assessment of every prescription to establish the safety, quality, efficacy and rational use of drugs treatments specified by a prescriber.
  • Patient record should maintain at all time
  • Providing appropriate information to the patient or the care giver
  • Handling and maintenance of all prescriptions and its detail received by Pharmacy
  • Registered Pharmacist should check whether prescription is legally valid or not.
  • Its Pharmacist duty to check that prescription should have proper dosage form and route of administration along with duration of treatment is appropriate to the patient’s condition.
  • Checking all medications in prescription are compatible with each other or not, contra indicated or any other possible side effects and adverse drug reaction exists.
  • Compounding, dispensing and labeling of required drug products as per prescribed manner.
  • Proper checking of dispensed or compounded medicine in respect of expiry, batch number and other particulars
  • Proper documentation record should maintain.
  • Promote rational use of drugs by proper checking of prescription for rational medicines
  • Patient or care giver counselling by initiating conversion that will enhance or optimize drug therapy. Patient or care giver counselling may include: proper storage condition, dosage form, dose, route of administration, duration of therapy, side effects or adverse reactions patient may encounter, any interaction or therapeutic contra indications etc.

More commonly asked Question about Pharmacist:

Question:  In which state a Pharmacy pass out can apply for registration of pharmacist?

Answer: A Pharmacy pass out can apply in own state or any state where he/she wants to purse his pharmacy profession for registration as Pharmacist under State Pharmacy Council of that state.  

Question: In How many states a pharmacist can apply together?

Answer: A Person can only apply for one state or/and could be registered pharmacist of one State only. He/She could be registered pharmacist for one state. If he/she wants to purse his/her pharmacy profession in another state, then he/she has to resign from current state pharmacy council and has to apply for another state pharmacy council.

Question: Can Register Pharmacist of ‘X’ state, apply for drug license in ‘Y’ State?

Answer: A Registered Pharmacist of one state can’t apply for drug license in another state. He/She has to migrate his/her registration to State Pharmacy Council of State where he/she wants to take drug license.

Question: Can a Registered Pharmacist work at another place along with his pharmacist job?

Answer: He/She can’t work at another place along with his pharmacist job. A pharmacy requires supervision of a Registered Pharmacist. In absence of Pharmacist, a Pharmacy activities can’t be initiated.

Question: Is there Registration at pharmacy council required for applying drug license or Pharmacy qualification is enough to get drug license from drug department?

Answer: Drug Department issue Drug License at the basis of a Pharmacist Registration. Without Registration, no Pharmacist can apply for drug license.  

Question: How many Chemist/Pharmacy License could be applied with a Registered Pharmacist License?

Answer: A Registered Pharmacist is eligible for applying a single Chemist/Pharmacy license. Applying more than one chemist/pharmacy license with a single Pharmacist Registration is punishable crime.  

Job Opportunities:

Government Jobs:

  • Pharmacist
  • Drug Inspector
  • Drug Controller

Pharmaceutical Industry:

  • Manufacturing Chemist
  • Quality control/Quality Assurance
  • Analyst
  • Marketing & Sale
  • Product Manager
  • Clinical Research
  • Toxicologist
  • Pharmacy Assistant
  • Research and Development

Healthcare Sector:

  • Chemist Shop
  • Pharmacist Job
  • Wholesale and Distribution
  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Hospital Pharmacy

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