how to grow pcd franchisee distribution business?


I have a pharma franchise of ——–. I am new comer of this business, please give me some suggestion how to growth my business? 


As you are new comer, your first motive should be stabilizing your business and association of more doctors with you.
There is many way to generate business in pharmaceutical sector. you can check ways to generate business by prescribing medicines through Doctors here

Concentrate at doctors which you think can write for you. Do regular visits to them and try to convince them to write for you. We are providing few suggestions:

  • Don’t disclose to anyone to that you are doing franchisee of any pharma company. Show them you are doing work as sale manager or medical representative in this company.
  • Do regular visit to doctors as a company representative do. Finalize deal as per doctor’s wish e.g. through gifts, cash, commission or any other way.
  • You are doing business. Business has only one motive and that it is profit. Always sell products only with margin, not just to only boost sale.
  • In case, you have to sell at net price basis to some parties, sell them if they are providing margin and good sale.

Read few below articles these may be helpful to you:

Hope above information was useful to you…
For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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