Whether to take drug licence in all states for Starting Pharma Marketing Company?


What to start pharma marketing company, kindly let me know whether I need to take drug licence in all states or some other way to do this? Please confirm whether I need to take wholesale license or distributor license? Please confirm how to get pharma Company auditor?

Please confirm whether I need to take drug license or wholesale/ distributor license or both at once? Thank you in advance Please contact me and reply to my queries on my email.


For starting Pharmaceutical Marketing Company, you can read our article: How to Start Pharmaceutical Company?  

You will need to take drug license at premises where you are stocking, receiving, billing and dispatching medicines and drugs. In other states and districts, you can appoint distributors who have drug license.

Wholesaler and distributor license are same. You will need to take wholesale drug license for starting pharma marketing company. You will not need of pharma company auditor in start. As your sale will increase, you can take service of auditor.  

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1 Comment

  1. Hi..

    I have retail & wholesale Licence. Can i market my own products on third party basis/contract basis?

    urgent suggestion required.


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