Zonal Sales Manager (ZSM) and its key Responsibilities

Zonal Sales Manager or ZSM is first line sales manager post. At Zonal Sales Manager level, an employee reaches at corporate life culture. Business planning and strategy making become primary works and sales generation becomes secondary. A ZSM has to look after the whole team of second line and third line sales team. An RSM …

Pharmaceutical Sales Team and its Parts!!

Sales Team:   If Business/Company is a Human Body then Sale is Blood for It. Without Blood, Human Body can’t work. Same in case of any company, without sale, a company can’t run. Sale is lifeline of for any Company.   In Pharmaceutical Sector, Sale is an important aspect like other businesses but methods and …

How to Apply for PCD Distribution?

Query:   I want to apply for PCD but, I need guidance for it.1. How to apply?2. Where to apply?3. What is the fees or payment needed to pay?Please give me guidance. thank you  Response: You have to contact pcd companies to get pcd of a pharma company in your area. You don’t need to …

How to Start Homeopathy Medicines Company in India?

In this article we will cover Licenses required for selling, distribution, marketing and manufacturing of Homeopathic medicines along with Equipment and machinery required for manufacturing and processing.   What are the Homoeopathic Medicines? Homoeopathic medicines are the medicines which are herbal or animal in nature and made according to authorized books of homoeopathy.Homeopathic Medicines work …
