How to start own business of disposal syringe?


My name is ———- from Gorakhpur. I want to start my own business of disposal syringe but I don’t have any kind of idea in this business. I want to know that to start the business what should I have to do please help me and provide me all the information regarding the investments, machines and all the process to start the business. Kindly help me out so that I can start me own business in gorakhpur and if possible inform me from where I can get all the necessary things to start my business as well as raw materials. Waiting for your Reply. Reply me as soon as possible.


You need to fulfill documentation, we discussed in our article: How to start Pharma Manufacturing company

Investment will depend at capacity of plant. Roughly investment is as follow:

Rent of premises: —– to —–
Licensing and documentation: —— to – lakh
Machinery and equipment is approximately — lakhs

List of documentations, machinery and procedure to manufacture disposable syringe read by clicking here

Hope above information was useful to you…   For query and suggestion, mail us at

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