How to Start Ayurvedic, Unani and Siddha Business? Manufacturing, Marketing, shop, clinic and panchkarma centre?

Table of Contents

Ayurvedic Businesses List:

Ayurvedic business refers to any type of commercial activity related to Ayurveda, which is an ancient system of traditional medicine originating in India. This may include manufacturing, marketing, distribution, and sale of Ayurvedic medicines, herbal products, and other health-related services. Ayurvedic businesses may also provide consultations, treatments, and therapies based on Ayurvedic principles. The Ayurvedic industry is growing rapidly, both domestically and internationally, and offers a range of opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors interested in alternative medicine and wellness.

In this article, we will discuss about following business along with their business plan, licenses, area required to start, qualification required etc.

  1. Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing Company
  2. Ayurvedic Medicine Marketing Company
  3. Ayurvedic Medicine Distribution and Wholesale Business
  4. Ayurvedic Medicine Shop and Ayurvedic Retail Pharmacy
  5. Online Ayurvedic Selling Business
  6. Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Centre
  7. Ayurvedic Consultancy Business
  8. Ayurvedic Medicine Franchise Business
  9. Direct Selling and Multi-level Marketing Business
  10. Ayurvedic Products Export

How to start Ayurvedic Medicine Business?

For starting ayurvedic business in India, one need to fulfill specifications, licenses and requirement as required by that particular business.

For ayurvedic manufacturing business, one need to have ayurvedic manufacturing license from ayush (The Ministry of Ayurveda, Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy) department and need to fulfill all specifications and requirement as discussed below in ayurvedic manufacturing unit section. whereas ayurvedic businesses related to sale and purchase i.e. retail, distribution and marketing company don’t require any license to start.

For setting-up ayurvedic clinic and panchkarma centre, you need to be a registered ayurvedic practitioner. 

Prior Requirements: Prior requirements include having experience in particular field you are going to set-up business, proposed customer knowledge, a good business plan, and financial resources etc.

Licences required for different type of Ayurvedic Businesses:

  • Ayurvedic Medicine Shop: There is no requirement of licence for Ayurvedic medicine shop
  • Ayurvedic Wholesale Shop: There is no requirement of license for Ayurvedic medicine wholesale shop
  • Ayurvedic Marketing Company: There is no requirement of licence for Ayurvedic marketing company
  • Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company: There is requirement of license for starting Ayurvedic manufacturing company i.e. Ayurvedic Manufacturing Licence

List of Ayurvedic medicine manufacturers:

List of Ayurvedic and herbal product manufacturers in India

check for more ayurvedic companies list here


Ayurvedic Medicine Shop and Ayurvedic Retail Pharmacy

If you want to start Ayurvedic Medicine Shop and Ayurvedic Retail Pharmacy then you will not require taking any drug related license until/unless you sell food supplements and allopathic medicines along with ayurvedic medicines. If you are selling food products also, then you will require having FSSAI registration/license. In case of allopathic medicine, you have to take retail drug license.

Business Plan:

Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha Business Plan for Ayurvedic Shop and retail pharmacy:

  • Search Shop at prime location (Rented or Owned).
  • Choose good name for your shop
  • Shop Registration as per local authority norms
  • GST registration Number if you have more than 40 lakhs annual turnover
  • Take FSSAI registration if required
  • Conduct survey for running products in your locality
  • Purchase Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha products from ayurvedic distributors available in your city.
  • Start Selling Products

Minimum Area Required:

  • Ayurvedic medicine shop should have adequate space for proper storing and other works.

Licence for ayurvedic medicine shop:

  • No drug related license is required for selling ayurvedic medicines.
  • FSSAI registration/license will be required if deals in food products also

Qualification Required:

  • No special qualification is required.

Ayurvedic medicine Wholesale and Distribution Business:

Same in case of ayurvedic medicine distribution and wholesale supply, no drug related license will be required to start. You could need of FSSAI registration/license if you are also dealing in food and dietary products also along with ayurvedic medicines.

Business Plan:

Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha Business Plan for Ayurvedic medicines Distribution:

  • Search Shop (Rented or Owned).  Location matter but not matter at extent like in retail business. You can provide supply directly to retailer’s location.
  • Choose good name for your agency
  • Shop Registration as per local authority norms
  • GST registration Number if you have more than 40 lakhs annual turnover
  • Take FSSAI registration/license if required
  • Take distribution ship of Ayurvedic Company. Check list of ayurevdic companies here
  • Purchase Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha products from company
  • Start Distributing Products

Minimum Area Required:

  • Ayurvedic medicine distribution premises should have adequate space for proper storing and other works.

License Required to sell Ayurvedic Medicines:

  • No drug related license is required for selling ayurvedic medicines.
  • FSSAI registration/license will be required if deals in food products also
  • GST number (if required)

Qualification Required:

  • No special qualification is required.

How to start Ayurvedic medicines marketing company ?

If you only want to start marketed by company of Ayurvedic products or you want to sell Ayurvedic/herbal/unani/siddha medicines then you don’t require any drug related license. For sale and purchase of Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha/Herbal Medicine doesn’t require any drug related license. You will need only GST number and company registration. Also you can apply for FSSAI registration/license.  You can start by setting up Ayurvedic Marketing Company by Name you prefer if it doesn’t resemble to any other existing name. You can get manufactured your product at third party manufacturing/Contract Manufacturing or Loan Licensing Basis.

Business Plan:

Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha Business Plan for Marketing Company:

  • Choose Company Name
  • Research and Choose product list and their brand names of products you want to launch in Ayurveda.
  • Company registration under company act or register a firm as per state government direction
  • Search For Premises (Rented or Owned) where you want to set-up Ayurvedic Marketing Company office and godown for stocking products
  • Apply for Goods and Service Tax Registration (GST)
  • Apply for Trade mark registration of Company Name and Brand Names (Optional)
  • Manufacturing of your products from ayurevdic/unani/siddha manufacturer.
  • Receive products and start marketing, promoting and selling

Minimum Area Required:

  • Ayurvedic medicine marketing company premises should have adequate space for proper stocking medicines and sitting of staff with proper arrangement. Your office should be well decorated so visitors feel like they have visited to a company.

License Required to sell Ayurvedic Medicines:

  • No drug related license is required for selling ayurvedic medicines.
  • FSSAI registration/license
  • GST number

Qualification Required:

  • No special qualification is required.

How to start Ayurvedic manufacturing unit ?

For starting ayurvedic manufacturing unit, one need to have ayurvedic medicine manufacturing license and you have to apply for it at ayush department after completing all requirement and specifications mentioned below.

Business Plan

Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha Business Plan for Manufacturing Unit:

  • Search Premises for Manufacturing Unit (Rented or Owned)
  • Choose Company Name
  • Apply for Manufacturing License Number
  • Apply for GST Number
  • Apply for products approval along with Manufacturing License Number File
  • After approval start manufacturing of Ayurvedic/Sidha/Unani Medicines
  • Start Selling Products

Minimum Area Required:

  • Ayurvedic medicine manufacturing unit requires minimum of 1200 square feet covered area along with area required for ancillary and ventilation.

License required selling Ayurvedic Medicines:

  • Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing License
  • GST number
  • GMP Certificate

Qualification Required:

Qualification Required (Competent Person) for Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturing:

The manufacture of Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani drugs shall be conducted under the direction and supervision of competent technical staff consisting at least of one person, who is a whole-time employee and who possesses minimum of any of the following qualifications, namely:-

  • A degree in Ayurveda or Ayurvedic Pharmacy, Siddha or Unani system of medicine, as the case may be, conferred by a University, a State Government or Statutory Faculties, Councils and Boards of Indian Systems of Medicine recognised by the Central Government or a State Government for this purpose, or
  • A diploma in Ayurveda, Siddha or Unani System of medicine granted by a State Government or an Institution recognised by the Central Government for this purpose, or
  • A graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Chemistry or Botany of a University recognised by the Central Government with experience of at least two years in the manufacture of drugs pertaining to the Ayurvedic or Siddha or Unani system of medicine, or
  • A Vaid or Hakim registered in a State Register of Practitioners of indigenous systems of medicines having experience of at least four years in the manufacture of Siddha or Unani drugs, or
  • A qualification as Pharmacist in Ayurvedic (including Siddha) or Unani systems of medicine, possessing experience of not less than eight years in the manufacture of Ayurvedic or Siddha or Unani Drugs as may be recognised by the Central Government.

Qualification Required (Competent Person) for Ayurvedic Medicine Laboratory:

Minimum of following qualification is required for Laboratory competent person:

  • A graduate in Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry or Chemistry or Botany of a University recognised by the Central Government

Documents and Procedure for taking manufacturing Licence for manufacturing of Ayurvedic Medicines:

Documentation and Procedure of Ayurvedic Manufacturing Unit ( Requirement may vary state to state or area to area )

  • Application on prescribed Form 24-D.
  • Prescribed Fees as mentioned
  • Subject to the conditions of Rule 157 being fulfilled the license will be issued Form 25-D which will be valid for a period of —– years from date of issue.
  • Requirement of schedule ‘T’ are to be fulfilled for which Departmental Inspection Team will conduct the inspection and submit its report on the prescribed Performa.
  • Documents in respect of competent technical staff consisting of at least one person, who is a whole-time employee and who possesses the qualifications as mentioned below as competent person staff section.
  • Site Plan of the premises.
  • Attested copy of No Objection Certificate from Pollution Control Board.
  • Power Availability Certificate from Electricity Department.
  • List of Machinery/Lab. Equipments.
  • List of medicine to be manufacture.
  • Project Report.
  • Ownership proof or rent agreement

Read Related: Machinery and equipment for ayurvedic manufacturing unit

Inspection team will inspect the premises with regard to:- Location and surroundings, buildings, water supply, disposal of container’s cleaning, Stores, raw material, packing material, finished goods store, working space, Health(clothing sanitation and hygiene of workers, medical services, and equipment’s, quality control section etc.

Area required for starting Ayurvedic Manufacturing unit:

Area Requirement is depend at number of sections you want to start. Minimum area required under drug and cosmetic act is 1200 square feet. if unani medicines are manufactured in same premises additional 400 square feet area is required. Section wise partition is required as per dosage form. For example, for tablet/capsule section, you have to partition minimum of 100 square feet, for liquid section, you require minimum of 150 square feet of area. You can read in detail at our article: How much Area required to start ayurvedic manufacturing plant.

Machinery and Equipment:

All the machines are in SS-304 and contact part in SS-316. To know in detail about machinery read our article: List of machinery used in Pharmaceutical and Ayurvedic Sector.

Liquid/Syrup & oil section:

  • High speed mixer for tank
  • S. S. tank- 200 liter/500 liter/1000 liter capacity with wheel and cover lid
  • Liquid filling machine double head
  • P.P. cap sealing machine
  • Liquid filtration unit
  • Tables

Capsule/Tablet section

  • Air compressor
  • Air conditioner
  • Blister packing machine
  • Capsule filling machine zero number
  • Capsule Loader zero number
  • Tablet Punching Machine
  • Dehumidifier
  • Sifter
  • Mass mixer
  • Multi mill
  • FBD
  • Double cone blender

Miscellaneous Equipment:

  • Batch printing machine
  • RO plant
  • Lab equipments
  • Balances- 200gm, 30kg, 100kg

Laboratory Equipment:

An Ayurvedic manufacturing unit either establish own testing laboratory or unit can get testing done at government approved laboratories. Complete detail of laboratory equipment know here

Manufacturing Process of Ayurvedic Medicines:

Ayurvedic Medicines has same manufacturing process as of pharma medicines. Same precautions and quality standards required for manufacturing of Ayurvedic Medicines.
Manufacturing unit of Ayurvedic Medicines should compile with the specifications of Schedule T (Good Manufacturing Practice for Ayurvedic (Inculded Siddha), Unani and Tibb System of medicines)

Online Ayurvedic Selling Business:

In era of internet, every person is connected through internet thanks to smart phones. Concept of online purchasing is also getting popularity.

You can build your website for your Ayurvedic products/services for finding customers. You can conduct business related to ayurvedic medicines selling, consultancy (if you are a ayurvedic practitioner), promote your clinic and panchkarma centre etc. Promoting and getting good ranking of website at search engines is a time consuming and expensive process. You have to conduct digital marketing for it or have to hire any digital marketing agency to promote your website through free tools as well as paid tools.

You can also list your products/services at already working e-commerce websites like Flipkart, Amazon to sell ayurvedic herbal products online. Online sale and purchase of Ayurvedic medicines/Food Supplements/Herbal Preparations could also be done through online portals those are specially deals in Ayurvedic products. 

You have to register your company and product/services at their website. There customer care executives will contact to you and will help you in further process. Most of Online portals will ask for Goods and Service Tax Identification Number and PAN card as primary documentation. Your products will be displayed at their website. When someone orders it, you have to send to it. Online portals charge some fees per transaction or as per their term and conditions.

Business Plan:

Ayurvedic/Unani/Siddha Business Plan for Online Ayurvedic Business:

  • Choose category of products/services, you want to conduct business online
  • Establish a firm or register a company
  • Apply for GST number
  • Apply for Trade mark registration of Company Name and Brand Names (Optional)
  • Make a E-commerce website or as per your need
  • Conduct SEO and perform digital marketing or hire any good digital marketing agency to do this for you
  • List your products/services at already existing e-commerce websites if you want to sell them through them
  • Other requirements will be as per type of business, you consider to set-up like if you want to set-up ayurvedic medicine marketing company then it will require to complete formalities describe in ayurvedic medicine marketing business section. Likewise applicable for manufacturing setp-up,  ayurvedic clinic and panchkarma centre etc.
  • Promote your business
  • Start selling your products/services online.

Minimum Area Required:

  • Your business will require space as per type of business you are conducting online.

License Required:

  • No drug related license is required for selling ayurvedic medicines.
  • FSSAI registration/license
  • GST number

Qualification Required:

  • No special qualification is required

How to start an Ayurveda clinic and panchakarma centre ?

Panchakarma word is made-up of two words – Pancha and Karma. Pachna means five and Karma means treatment. It is the process of detoxifying body according to Ayurveda.

Panchakarma is one of the most emerging parts of Ayurveda as it plays a very important role in the effective management of life style disorders which are on increase at a high rate. Panchakarma purifies and detoxify the body by expelling metabolic toxins and in maintaining normal functioning of the body, improving metabolism and body coordination which may also help in various mental disorders.

Business Plan:

  • Compete your BAMS degree and take experience
  • Find a space for your clinic at good location
  • Decorate and furnish it as per your requirement
  • Recruit required staff
  • Advertise and promote your ayurevdic clinic and Panchakarma Centre

Minimum Area Required:

Area should be enough to have proper space for consultation room, waiting room and a panchkarma room with steam box, shirodhara and massage tables, and vaman tables, kitchen and washroom.  

Minimum Staff Required:

  • One doctor (At least BAMS)
  • One pharmacist cum panchakarma therapist
  • A multipurpose worker

Ayurvedic Consultancy Business:

With increasing scope of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Consultancy business is also at boom. Different types of consultancy, you can do related to Ayurveda industry. Most important types of consultancies are Ayurvedic Clinical consultation, Business set-up consultation, consultation regarding manufacturing of new dosage form and products etc.

You can set-up your ayurvedic consultancy business depending at your experience and expertise.   

Ayurvedic Medicine Franchise Business:

Ayurvedic Franchise Concept is one of the popular one to adopt by ayurvedic companies who can’t recruit a huge sales team to sell their ayurvedic medicines. Franchise provided in ayurvedic industry is of different types like:

  • Ayurvedic Hospital and Panchakarma Centre Franchise
  • Ayurvedic Medicine Retail Franchise
  • Ayurevdic Franchise Distribution

Type of franchise is depending at your products/services. If you are a hospital and panchakarma centre, you can market and establish your panchakarma centre as a brand. After that you can help other ayurvedic practitioners to set-up their own panchakarma centre and use your name against royalty provided by them.

In case of ayurevdic retail franchise, you can work like as doing by major ayurevdic companies such as Patanjali, Sri Sri Tattva Ayurveda, Himalaya herbals etc.

In Ayurvedic Franchise Distribution, Ayurvedic Companies provides products at marginal rates to their franchise distributor for promoting, selling and distributions. In this type of franchise, Ayurvedic companies can prevent their sales force and sell their products through India or worldwide. One of the major players in this type of Ayurvedic Franchise Company.  

Direct Selling and Multi-level marketing Business:

Multi level marketing and direct selling business opportunities are also available in Ayurveda Sector. Most of the Ayurvedic Products are over the counter medicines and can be sold without prescription of ayurevdic practitioners.

Ayurvedic medicines are related to health and well being, and promote health. This creates a big opportunity for entrepreneurs to set-up own mlm business related to Ayurvedic medicines and herbal products. Read more about mlm business here

Ayurvedic Products Export:

You can set-up your business as per above one of the mentioned businesses and indulge in exporting your ayurvedic medicines and services. You can compile with exporting standards and start exporting of your products. We have separate article on ayurvedic export. You can check requirements and documents for exporting ayurvedic medicines. read Requirements for exporting Ayurvedic Medicines Here

How to Sell Ayurvedic Medicines?

You can sell ayurvedic medicines from below mentioned ways:

  • Prescription Marketing
  • Over the Counter (OTC) Marketing
  • Online Selling of ayurvedic medicines
  • Generic Distribution
  • Institutional Sale i.e. supply to ayurvedic hospitals/dispensaries
  • Direct Selling/MLM Marketing
  • Ayurvedic Outlet Franchise
  • Ayurvedic Franchise Distribution
  • Door to Door Marketing Technique

Hope above information is helpful to you…  

For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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  1. ayurvedic marketing company ka registration india level par kaha hoga..please mujhe bataye

  2. For starting Ayurvedic marketing company, you may need requirement of following three registrations. But you can start only with TIN/CST registration at small level.

    Tax Identification Number (Tin/Vat/CST) Number
    Private Limited Company Registration
    Trade Mark registration

  3. We would like to enter the manufacture distribution of ayurvedic products.
    We would need consulting on the same.
    Do you consult in this field ?
    We are not with any ayurveda nor medical background

  4. We could help you in all aspect we know. We all have experienced of sales/marketing and Administration. We can provide consultation regarding above matters only. What type of help we can provide you in this matter, we are mentioning below:

    Preparing documentation and Procedure
    What type of formalities and space required for starting your ayurvedic manufacturing company
    What can you do to complete all procedure
    Which type of persons you should meet before starting your venture
    Machineries you require to start
    How to set-up you office and staff
    How can you distribute and sell your products.
    Ways of marketing and sales
    Where can you get customers for your products etc

    Other then above, we don't have any manufacturing and formulations experience. We can't help you process related to manufacturing. You should consult any local Ayurvedic manufacturer to get complete detail or you can hire any experience person or ayurvedic manufacturing chemist who can assist you during your process. You can read all procedure and formalities in above article

  5. Sir,i want to manufacture one Ayurvedic product from third party,we want to register brand name of so that we will market that product. Our brand should not be used by other.please guide me in this matter

  6. Brand name you have to be registered under trade name and trade mark. Choose unique name and apply for trade mark registration. Read complete process of Trade Mark registration here:
    (copy and paste above url in separate tab)

    Brand Name registration is long procedure. It may take more than one and half year. Once you have applied for it, you can mention TM above brand name and after registration you can mention (R) above it.

    After your brand name registration, no one can use your Brand Name for any product. It will provide your brand name security under trade mark act 1999 and rules. You can search for Brand Name by visiting: (copy and paste above url in separate tab)

    Applying for trade mark registration is not meaning, your brand name has been registered. It has been follow complete process to be registered. At any stage if department found it is similar or resembling to any existing brand, it may be show you objected after some time. If some one feel after seeing your brand name in Gazette, he/she can file opposition and your brand name will show opposed. Show search or choose your brand name very carefully.

    Trade mark is applied through advocates who specially deals with trade mark and patents.

  7. do i require any license to do ayurvedic medicines distributorship

  8. do i require any license to do ayurvedic medicines distributorship

  9. my dad is a wholesaler and retailer of ayurvedic medicines. now i am thinking to get his business online too.. what is the procedure for the same kindly help?

  10. I want to start a new ayurvedic pharma marketing company. I am a student at bams. How many money sufficient to start its

  11. You will need basically sale tax number for starting Ayurvedic Marketing Company. Total investment depend at number of products you choose to start. If you start with minimum five products, your roughly investment will be approx. fifty thousand to one lakh ruppees.

    Read roughly estimated investment model here: How much investment is required to start pharma marketing company ?

  12. Sir I have a license from drug controller to manufacturing herbal medicine. I want list of all the permission or registration for running a firm.
    And list if all the equipment.
    List of official person like lab assistant

  13. Sir.
    I am from Assam (middle segment of Assam) I m totally unknown about production & marketing of Ayurvedic medicine, but I m very interested to setup the business because I m hard worker and I hope I will success in this field with your kind please write to me how can I will start and what is primary work for that.please inform me :
    Phone 09864160172
    If some producer wants to provide dealership in Assam or for entire north east area then you may kindly inform me. I m interested .

  14. Sir I want start buisness for self home made herbal products like soap shampoo hair oil essential oils do we need license for making marketing herbal home made products , if yes waht is the procedure all are manufactured on experience

  15. I know that what qualifications or rules of aurvedic medical store

  16. Hi

    I have setup a pvt ltd company for selling herbal product, i am thinking of third party manufacturing. For this its compulsory to get brand name or trademark registration ?

    Can i use "my comapny name ingredient name" eg "Cosm Dashashwa" as product name without registration of trademark ?

  17. hello
    my father is selling ayurvedic herbals on retail basis…now i want to expand this work nationally.
    He is running a grocery business along with it by a firm name.
    pls suggest me d proper methodology for this expansion work…
    pls rep soon

  18. I want to a auyurvedic wholesale shop
    Please tell tell me the documentation required.
    And license procedure.
    I am from uttar Pradesh.

  19. I want to a auyurvedic wholesale shop
    Please tell tell me the documentation required.
    And license procedure.
    I am from uttar Pradesh.

  20. Mujhe ayurved ka registration chahiye mere grandfather ayurved acharya the to wo hi renewal hoga ya naya banbana padega.

  21. @Mohd Aiyatullah you require sale tax number only for ayurvedic wholesale shop

  22. @sharad Apko naya ayurved acharya ka registration karana padega. Uske liye aapko minimum requirement puri krni padegi…

  23. my grandmother and I locally running herbal business . A herbal medicine to prevent miscarriages and dysmenorrhea .now I want to explore it but how to sell on online market ??

  24. sir mai ayurvedic dawa company se lekar apne local market me bechna chahta hu to kya mujhe tin/vat/cst+drug license ki v jaroorat hogi

  25. apko sale aur purchase ke liye tin number to chiyega hi…
    Agar apki sale km hai to bina ti/vat/cst ke bhi kam chal skta hai…

  26. hello sir,

    me Ayurvedic oil ka manufacturing business start karna chahta hu at small level.
    so please suggest me what is the basic requirement.

  27. hello sir,

    i want to start ayurvedic oil manufacturing business at small stage.
    my method is boiling herbs.
    so please suggest me what is the basic requirement.

    I am waiting for you valuable feedback.

    Thank you

  28. hello sir,

    I am Waiting for you valuable feedback.

    please suggest me.

  29. @rupesh bhimani
    you will require atleast 100 sq. feet area for setting up ayurvedic plant for ayurvedic oil manufacturing.
    For claiming your product as Ayurvedic preparation, you will require to complete all documents as given above in article…

  30. We have an E-commerce company and we dealing total consumer products in all over India and we want dealers/distributors in all over India for delivery who can deliver our product to our regular customer at there home address on (cod) cash on delivery mode. And you get minimum rupees 3000-4000 in a day and more information contact with me In ———————–.com
    mobile no.——–

  31. sir

    mere dada ji doctor the aur vo chote bacho k liye ayurvedic medicines banate the ,ab main isko age badhana chahti hu but on small scal. ky aiske liye mujhe tin no. chahiye hoga,ki agar main small scale sale krna shuru krun to main apni company ka name rakhti hu aur kya vo mujhe register krvana pdega, aur bina tin no. k kya main sale kr skti hu. sale to bahut kam hai.please mujhe suggestions do

  32. A Ayurvedic Doctor, Vaid, Akim or registered Ayurvedic practitioners are alowed to make medicines for their own patients use but if you want to make and sell it then you have to fulfill all requirements as per drug and cosmetic act and rule

  33. sir i made a herbal churn but i dont know how to register and where for sell it.also i dont know that registration is compulsory for it or not.please guide me.

  34. If you want to manufacture it at commercial level then you will need manufacturing license and products registration.

  35. I would like to start Ayurvedha marketing business.Does it required to have drug licence??Please also clarify whether i have to show the name of manufacturer in the packing labels and promotions?

  36. You don't require any drug license for marketing business of ayurvedic preparations.
    You have to show manufacturers name at packing labels but at promotional material you don't need to show manufacturers detail..

  37. Interested in classical as well as patent ayurvedic products with my brand name

  38. How to start Sidha Pharmacy

  39. i and a wholesealer of ayurvedic medicine , i now am thikng of making my own brand and packing it. I want to get the raw material from a manufacturer and pack it my self and sell it.
    Sir, kindly advise me what documentation i need and what permissions i need for it .

  40. What are the legal aspects to look out for while setting up a manufacturing unit in a state?
    What are the criteria that will decide the best state to setup a factory.?

  41. sir,i want to marketing and sales of ayurvadic as well as,vitamins ,minrals,nutraceuticals,dietry suppliment under fssai products in india and abrod ie europe etc for that start or register a company .can you help me in this regards. thanks

  42. Hi,
    I am Siddhant Singh, I own a small ayurvedic medicine manufacturing firm in Varanasi. I want a partner to market it and sell it. If anybody interested. Please revert.

    1. contact me Ashwani SHarma 9478178724

  43. My father is an Ayurvedic practitioner and we have our own made confidential herbal medicines to treat serious illness. I want to promote these confidential medicines at large scale. My questions are..
    1, Do we need manufacturing license to give medicine to our patinets ? or to make distributors and supply them from the beginning?

  44. For prescribing for your patients, you don't need any manufacturing license because Ayurvedic Practitioners are allowed to compound some Ayurvedic preparation for their patients use. But if you want to supply that to distributors and other way, you want to promote or sell it, you will require manufacturing license from beginning. You Father has only allow to make these formula for exclusive use of his patients only.

  45. is there need of anyu type of licensing authority for wholesale marketing of ayurvedic medicines..

    1. For Ayurvedic Products wholesale, no drug type license is required..

    2. Sir mai aaurvedic maketed by company ke rajistetion ke bare me jankari chahta hun kaise kaha se karana hota hai sir

  46. Me villape me ayurbed ki kudra mullya dokan khulna chahata hu.esliye koi licence chahiye kiya?

    1. Ayurvedic Medicine ko sale krne ke liye koi license nhi chahiye..

  47. vishla agrotech pvt. ltd. is sales ayurvedic medicine of kidney & cancer.
    we are menufactured.

  48. I want to start my online business of Ayurvedic medicine. shud I need any type of license other than GST.

  49. Dear all,
    Any one want to open Ayurvedic/juice/extract/medicinal plant processing etc/ company in India/Nepal/Bhutan/Bangladesh
    Please contact
    we provide full support in building/machinery/productions/formulation/product development/manufacturing/ marketing.

  50. I am a BScChemistry graduate, 50 years part time teacher, Berhampur (W.Bengal) from Calcutta University 1991. I want guidance for growing one/two main ayurvedic medicinal plants in a small plot of land and earn for sustaining my family.
    Kindly help me.
    Abhijit Mukherjee

  51. I want to Take agency of Ayurvedic products can you please guide me in this. Because I have to start this in a small village. I am Postgraduate in Ayurved.

  52. what a great information. I appreciate for your information. thank’s for sharing

  53. I want to contact you on phone to start a small work in ayurvedic

    1. contact us at 8930765982

  54. I have own house on main road locality in prayagraj and I want to open a shop of ayurvedic/herbal medicines. How can I start and to whom and where I contact?

  55. I want to sell my Ayurvedic products online,if anyone interested plz contact me

  56. I want to start own manufacturing plant of ayurveda

  57. I want to know about required process of manufacturing and marketing of herbal extracts, single and multiple.

  58. I am interested a new Ayurvedic manufacturing company.

  59. We can provide you Ayurvedic products Manufacturing Services but we are taking my business next level

    1. ok Sir..
      Do you have own ayurvedic medicine manufacturing unit

  60. My name is Youssef. I am an Internet Business Marketer and SEO Expert, I have been working in this industry for more than 14 years.

  61. herbal products manufacturing

  62. herbal products manufacturing project report

  63. herbal products manufacturing unit

  64. Need to open a Ayurvedic Manufacture Unit. Pls let me know the procedure, and also provide me consultancy for the same. I want to open this unit in Noida (Delhi NCR)


  65. An ayurvedic massage is a form of traditional Indian medicine that has been practiced for centuries. Ayurveda is based on the belief that good health and well-being are achieved by maintaining balance in the body, mind, and spirit.

  66. An ayurvedic massage is a form of traditional Indian medicine that dates back over 5000 years. The word Ayurveda means “life knowledge” in Sanskrit, and it is based on the belief that health and well-being are achieved by balancing the mind, body, and spirit. Ayurvedic massage uses a variety of techniques to promote relaxation and healing. These include Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and acupressure. Ayurvedic massages are often combined with other forms of treatment such as aromatherapy, yoga, and meditation. The goal of Ayurvedic massage is to provide a holistic experience that will help the client to achieve physical, mental, and emotional balance.

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