Generic for All !! Could it be possible to implement in Indian Difficult Pharma Market?

As per news, Government is going to make mandatory code for making availability of generic medicines. As Prime Minister spoke in his speech about compulsory prescription writing of generic name of medicine by all Doctors. But only Doctor’s generic prescription is not enough to provide benefits of cheaper generic medicines to patients.

Chemists and Pharmacists can substitute these prescription with branded medicines. Until there will be regulation system at complete supply chain, it is not practical to implement generic medicines theory. Chemists could make it impossible to implement.

If a doctors writes generic prescription, ball will be in court of a chemist. He will be free to dispense a drug with highest margin to him. He will sell it at MRP which is much higher than its actual cost. Same is also in practice from long time in case of generic medicines. Most of chemists sell generic medicines at mrp which give them more than hundred times profit.

Along with doctors, pharmaceutical distribution chain could come under these new regulations. Pharmaceutical Distribution chain includes pharmaceutical companies, distributors, chemists, pharmacists. These new regulations could also cover distribution channel for effective and easy availability of generic medicines. New regulations could be implemented with strictness. As per news, there would be provision of punishment if anyone in supply chain offenses any provision. Punishment may vary from warning to cancellation of registration/license of manufacturers, distributors, chemists, pharmacists and/or doctors.

With view of promoting generic medicines all over India, Health Ministry is amending Drug and Cosmetic Act.  Amendment in Drug and Cosmetic Act will not only bound to compulsory generic prescription writing but also it could bring many big surprises and changes in pharmaceutical sector. After analyzing reports, last few months statements, government failure in implementing schedule H1, ban of irrational combinations and news headlines, we are predicting some possible amendments in Drug and Cosmetic Acts:

  • E-Platform for medicine Trade
  • Compulsory generic prescription writing 
  • Compulsory Sitting of Pharmacist at medical shop during working hours.
  • Authorization of Pharmacist for wholesale drug license
  • Fixing of margins at every stage of Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
  • Punishment against offenses
  • and many more

These are predictions only, in actually it may be differ but one thing is sure, Indian Pharmaceutical regulations are going to be same standard as of western countries.

Hope all would be in favor of pharmaceutical industry and patients. In India, medical expenses consumes more than 20% of a person’s income.

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