Could E-mail marketing work in PCD pharma franchise?

I used e-mail marketing very few times but I have read lot of articles about e-mail marketing and received lot of e-marketing e-mails from PCD/franchise companies.

One thing I also doubt about it that could it helpful in PCD market but one thing is sure, it may be very good option in 2016 to attract customers.  

My other marketing friends could know more about it or persons those have used e-mail marketing to generate leads and business. Sms marketing is also good tool and it produced good leads for me in past. I suppose if sms marketing may work then e-marketing could also work. But both type of marketing have lot of difference.  

Massage directly reach to person’s cell but e-mail goes to person’s mail account and there is already number of marketing mails present. E-mail can’t do massage’s work and massage can’t perform e-mail’s work. You can’t redirect target person to your website or product list by massage but e-mail does it for you.  

Two type of persons do PCD marketing. One is pharma distributors and second one is marketing/sales persons. Most of distributors will rarely check their mails but marketing persons whether they have medical representative or manager level. They submit their daily reporting through online. There is much chances they get your mail or visit to your site and check for your product list. But if your target is distributors then e-mail marketing would not be only single solution.  

With E-mail marketing, phone calls is also very important. Most of time person will visit your website, product list but will not call you in return to ask for if you have vacant or not but you have to contact them after sending mail.

If you can suggest us about best way of marketing for pharma companies. Suggest us. We will welcome all your suggestion and queries. Mail us at or write in comment box or send through contact box.

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