What is the procedure for packing material Procurement, Inventory, type in Pharmaceutical/Ayurvedic Third Party Manufacturing?

What is packing material for pharmaceutical/Ayurvedic products?

Packing material is outer covering in which dosage form is packed. It may in form of paper or plastic or rubber or tin or in other form. Packing material includes Outer cartoon, mono cartoon (if applicable), foil, label, lami tube etc.

Generally vial, ampoule, protein powder tin, pet bottle don’t be considered in packing material but these are also the part of packing material. It is considered to be part of product. Manufacturer will give you rate including bottle, vial etc even if you will ask for rates without packing material. In pharmaceutical industry, there is norm that must be printed at packing material.

Types of Packing Material:

  • Box 
  • Foil 
  • Label 
  • Lami Tube 
  • Inner/mono ( if applicable) 

Costing of Packing Material:

Cost of Packing Material may vary according to Size and Quantity  
Tablets/Capsules ( Per Lac )  
One time cylinder charges(Single color) foil 1500
One time cylinder charges(Two color) foil 3000
Foil= 5kg* 450 2250
Box Charges(Outer Cartoon) = 1000 box * 2 2000
Mono cartoon (If applicable) = 10000*1 10000
Total Approximate costing for Packing material  
Single color with outer 5750
Double color foil with outer 7250
Single color with mono cartoon 13750
Double color foil with mono cartoon 15250
Liquids/Syrups/Dry Syrup (Per 1000 pc)  
Lable= 1000*.10 100
Outer = 1000*.75 750
Total Approximate packing cost for 1000 pc 850
One time cylinder charges(Single color) foil 1500
One time cylinder charges(Two color) foil 3000
Lami Tube= 1000*2 2000
Box= 1000*1 1000
Injections/Eye-Ear Drops(Per 1000 pc)  
One time cylinder charges(Single color) foil(If applicable) 1500
One time cylinder charges(Two color) foil (If applicable) 3000
Foil = 5 kg *450 2250
Label= 1000*.10 100
Outer = 1000*.75 750
Inner/mono cartoon (if applicable)  
Total Packing Material cost  
Without Blister pack 850
With Blister Pack 7600

What are these norms? Is it necessary to follow these norms?

Timely, Government and health department change the norms. In drug and cosmetic act, there are mentioned different schedules. Packing material of pharmaceutical products should compile with rule under these schedules.
For products that can be sold under only doctor’s prescription, should mention warning and Rx should also be placed above salt name. Warning, caution, dosage etc should be mentioned according to these schedules. For example, newly implement Schedule H1 is must for antibiotics that come under this schedule. For Ayurvedic Products norms are different from pharma products.

Who is responsible for correction of these norms? Marketing company or Manufacturer!

Correction and implementation, checking of matter is full responsibility of manufacturer. If product fails to comply with these norms, drug department may issue notice to manufacturer and marketed by both. But manufacturer is considered to be the main party for violating the rule.

What is the role of marketing companies in packing material procurement process?

There is two way to procure packing material in third party manufacturing. One you can directly involve in printing of packing material or you can let it to manufacturer to procure it for yourself. Likewise manufacturer will give you rates at third party basis with packing material or without packing material. Cost will be nearly same in both cases.

What is the procedure for the printing of packing material for pharmaceutical/Ayurvedic products?

Before starting manufacturing process one need to print the packing material for the same. Packing and design of the products make first impression at mind of customers. In past when these modern equipment ware not available, companies used to write at plain paper to describe the product.
We will recommend you to procure packing material yourself but if you don’t have time and staff to look after printing process, you should let it to the manufacturer.

Procedure of Packing Material printing:

  • Select printing material supplier and manufacturer. 
  • Prepare design for the packing material. Finalize best design. 
  • Select paper for packing material for cartoons and labels. 
  • Send it for correction and approval to the manufacturer for technical corrections. 
  • After correction and approval, send it for printing. 

If anyone doesn’t want to involve in printing of packing material then what is to do?

Manufacturers provide both options, with packing material or without packing material. You can ask manufacturer to procure packing material. You just have to finalize design sent by manufacturer or manufacturer’s printer. You have to check for brand name, composition, marketed by address or other particulars, you want to change.

If anyone want to pack his products in special packing i.e. in special pet bottles, tin, vial, ampoules or in special dye!

Manufacturer will make your product with respect to your specifications. But that depends upon availability of these materials. If manufacturer is not able to procure these materials, you can also send these materials to manufacturer by yourself.

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1 Comment

  1. How to start printing and packing material provided company for many pharmacuticals company

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