Need guidelines for selection of molecules to be launched, investment, returns


want to start new pharmaceutical company, need guidelines for selection of molecules to be launched, investment, returns, manufacturers contact numbers for product ,name, price selection.


We have discussed all your queries in Articles we written separately:

Selection of Products guidelines you can read in article: How to choose products for your company?

Investment required, you can read in our article: How much investment is required to start pharma marketing company?

Price selection, you can read our article: How to fix mrp, ptr and pts?

For new products name selection, read our article: How to choose name for your start-up company and products?

Roughly margin in pharma company, you can go through our article: How to calculate profit margin in franchise marketing?
Just remove margin of franchisee in it and add franchisee margin in your margin.

Manufacturers contact numbers you can get through by searching at google and get contact number from their websites….

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