I have started my own pcd a few months ago. I want some advice and tips from you.


Hello sir, I have started my own pcd a few months ago. But I am facing to much of difficulties in promoting items and motivating doctors. I want some advice and tips from you.


Starting own marketing is not easy in starting. Its like launching a new company in your territory where no one knows about company name before. If you have done medical representative job, you know very well, how difficult to get prescription generated. Generating proper business will take nearly one and half year or may take two years. If you have good relationships with doctors, then that will take less time.

I will advice to keep one another source of income while promoting your franchise marketing till you make enough money from your marketing. With your promotion and motivation, Doctors also wants confidence and commitment from you. They will insure their self before prescribing a drug that how long your company will last in market, molecule results and whether you will stay in market or will quite soon. It is common to face difficulties in promoting new products and get prescription generated. You have to keep patience and motivated. If you are not getting results from one type promotion, you can use different tactics.

How to promote, you knows better than me in your territory. Different doctor prescribe at different basis. But that is sure, you will get results very soon if you are promoting from last few months. That is the work of patience and hard work.

Use your relationship to prescribe drugs till you make proper promotion. Gift are best possible way to make relationship but few doctors prescribe drug only at commission basis. Build your image in market and build confidence in eyes of doctor.  

Hope above information was useful to you…

For any further help, you can contact at following details:

E-mail: pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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