How to Register A Company in India? Pharmaceutical Franchise Help

A pharma company can be registered in many ways. We are going to discuss about documents and procedure required to register a pharma company. Drug license number is necessary for every pharma company to start distribution, marketing and manufacturing in India. Goods and Service Tax Number is required for sale tax purpose. Trade Mark registration is necessary for safeguard of your intellectual property. In case of above 2 partners and below 50 partners, company can be registered under private limited company or limited liability company and for single proprietor, you can go for one person company.

Following are the departments and documents where you can register your pharma company:

  1. Drug Department License
  2. Good and Service Tax Registration
  3. Company Registration
  4. Trade mark registration

Documents and procedure for Drug department and GST department, we have discussed in our post:
How to start Pharma Marketing Company in India ? 
How to start Pharma manufacturing Company in India?

  1. Drug Department License 
  2. Good and Service Tax Registration
  3. Trade mark registration

4. Company Registration:

You can register your company as:

  • One Person Company
  • Private Limited Company
  • Limited Liability Company
  • Public Company


Directors & Shareholders:

  • DSC (Digital Signature Certificate)
  • DIN (Director Identification Number)
  • PAN (Permanent Account Number) Card
  • TAN (Tax Deduction and Collection Number)
  • Identity Proof (Electronic ID / Aadhar Card / Passport / Driving License)
  • Passport Photo
  • DSC Form Download Format
  • Address Proof (Bank Statement / Mobile Bill / Telephone)

Registered Company Office:

  • Rent Agreement (Notarised: For rented property)
  • Property (Director / Relative) – Registry Proof / House Tax Receipts (Notarised)
  • Latest Electricity Bill
  • NOC from the owner on the name of any director (Notarised)


  • MOA(Memorandum Of Association)
  • AOA (Article Of Association)

Approximately Cost:

  • One Person Company (11500/-)
  • Private Limited Company (12500/-)
  • Limited Liability Company (7500/-)

Time Taken:   Approximately 10 to 30 Days required to register a company


  1. Identity proof and address proof is mandatory for all proposed directors of company. Directors may be Indian or Foreigners.
  2. Generate Digital Signature Certificate.
  3. All directors should have Directors Identification Number(DIN). It can be applied online
  4. PAN cards and TAN is mandatory.
  5. NOC (Non Objection  Certificate) is required from landlord of the premises to be proposed as a registered office. Landlord’s Identity proof and Address proof is must.
  6. You have to choose company name. It is recommended that you need to go with 5-6 names in order which you prefer. In case, your preferred name is not available, you can go to the next one in order. Apply online with available name. Fill Form 1A that are available at ministry of corporate affairs website
  7. After company name approval , you have to apply for the incorporation of company. Prepare memorandum of association which will detail what is the company operation, list of directors etc. Apply this also with Form 1.
  8. Fees for registration. Private Limited company fee is approximate 9500/- for 2 partners. Fees may vary.

Read Here: Either private limited company or one person company will be beneficial for the pharmaceutical marketing

Company can be started with any minimum capital. However, fee must be paids to the goverment for issuing a minimum of share worth Rs. 1 lakh. But there is no requirement of showing proof of capital invested.

If you want to apply online. You will need digital signature for applying online. Read about What is Digital Signature Certificate? Uses and application!!!

Hope above information is useful to you…

For any query and suggestion, mail us at

Related Query:


I want to start pharma marketing comany, for this LLC or OPC is ideal.what is the diference.
for drug licence can i apply on the same name (comany name) or with different name.may i know the diference


Difference between Limited Liability Company and One Person Company: is only single i.e. One Person Company requires only Single person for registration of Company whereas Limited Liability Company Requires minimum of Two persons for registration of Company. Otherwise One person company enjoys every benefits that are taken by Limited Liability Company. In One person company, only single share holder can start company with all facilities of limited liability company. Person and company will have separate entity. Person will not have any liability for creditors of company.

You should have to take drug license with same name as of your registered company name


  1. I think there is a difference between trade mark vs trade name. Trademark is like as a logo. But trade is the name of your company.

  2. Fantastic ideas . I was fascinated by the facts – Does someone know if my business could get ahold of a template a form version to use ?

  3. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful information. It is a very informative and helpful post. this information is use able for people and society.
    register private limited company

  4. Sir please contact me

  5. Hey sir i have got my drug wholesale licence .. im a sole proprietor.. after geeting my license do i have to register company again.i mean im not starting a pvt ltd. And also where to get logo registered.

    1. If you don’t want to register your company as pvt ltd or OPC then you can work without company registration as a proprietorship firm. For logo registration you have to apply for TRADE MARK registration process

  6. Respected Sir,
    I want to start a
    Marketing company so for this also ,i have to fill a form 1A or not.If yes then please tell me complete procedure to start a marketing company ….
    Hope your response quickly .
    Thanking you
    Prashant Singh

    1. You can check Complete procedure to start marketing company at clicking at following link:

  7. hello sir , I am a pharmacist and 5 eyer experience so I am starting my Pharma marketing company how to registered my company please tell me please

    1. pharma marketing company registration you will also require wholesale drug license along with company registration

  8. Hello Sir .I’m ROHIT GUPTA I’m starting Ayurvedic marketing company how to register My company please help me Sir. I live in uttrakhand

    1. hello sir,
      what type of help you want from us.. please specify

  9. Dear sir I would like to start my own ayurvedic marketing company
    .how to register brand name in Karnataka

  10. Should I register my pharmaceutical company before getting drug license ? Or I after getting license I should register my company with same name of my drug license name

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