What should you do if your first pharma franchise company marketing met with failure?

Failure and success is a part of any business.  If you didn’t find any success in your first attempt,  you don’t need to over react at the situation. This is normal thing that happens to all new businesses and new comers.  At that time just remember your first job,  first day, first company and first doctor’s call.

Definitely you will find the solution for your problem. No one become master in first standard. Like your first job it was your first attempt in your entrepreneur journey. Failures are stairs for success. Try to learn from your failures. Don’t give blame  to you or any other person. Blame can’t be any solution. You should attempt fresh start but after amending all things that was reason for your failure.

Starting pharma franchise marketing first time is like joining first job. You may have good market relationship and work experience but own work has different challenges and experiences what you will feel during process. In your job you had only few responsibilities . Sale was your primary and important work but in your own marketing all works are primary and important to you. You cannot ignore even single task.

We have discussed in previous articles about when you should leave your job and should engage full time in own marketing. You can also read our article how can medical representative start own pharma franchise marketing.

Failing will effect you most if you don’t have any other income source. If you have second source of income then failure will not affect you a lot. So you should secure your income before going in any business including pharma franchise marketing. Every one should have financial back-up for expenses & bills who want to start own business.

Most important part of discussion is that if you have good work ethics then there is very less chances of failure. But we’ll recommend you to prepare your self for all possibilities.

Things you should do if fails in first franchise marketing work :

Get feed back from Market: Ask from doctor, distributors, chemist and other professionals about your products and company. Listen their reviews and find out mistakes and failures. Compare all reviews and search for solution and strategy which will work for you.

Test new strategy and techniques: If one way is not working then you should start go with another possible way. Not necessary what was producing result during your job, will work in your own marketing. You should test all way to promote and sell your products.

Reorganize your self and your products: In case you are not getting any response from market. Reorganise your self,  try to find out reasons why you are not getting any response. Research about latest molecules and doctor’s choice. Relaunching may also be good option to start with.

Meet senior professional: Meet with professionals who are doing pharma franchise marketing from many years.  Ask them about their experience and best possible way to be successful in marketing. There is chances same techniques may also work for you. Keep in contact with them. If possible listen their failure and success stories. Get inspiration from these personalities.

Talk to company regarding support and response from market: You are independently doing own marketing but that doesn’t mean pharma franchise company has no concern and responsibilities regarding your problems and difficulties. You are their customer and your business will effect their business also. Talk to them at every matter and provide feed back. Ask about more marketing, promotional, physiological support from company.

Change the company: Most difficult thing a new comer can do. You have told everyone that you recently changed your company. Changing company will also hurt your reputation but you have worked hard in full passion, used your all relationships but not received any results. Then it better to switch company instead of pulling unproductive company.

Thanks for reading…

Hope you find above article helpful to you. You can mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com for any query, problem and suggestion.

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