How to connect about pharmaceutical manufacturing plants

I read a few of your well-written posts on and I’d like to connect with you for more details on your experience. These two articles on how to set up a pharmaceutical manufacturing unit and the business plan are of particular interest to me.
Would the information in the above posts pertain to any pharmaceutical manufacturing venture or is that specific for India? Based on the posts above, how big a manufacturing plant would that produce? What would be the approximate cost for such a manufacturing unit that is detailed in the first post? Would you have building specs for the type of construction needed to house a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant? Any information you may share would be appreciated.

Licenses required and specification varies country to country… There may be some changes in regulatory requirements in country where you want to set-up pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. You need to check regulatory requirements first for country where you are going to set-up your manufacturing plant. Machinery, equipment and plant specifications are almost same for majority of countries. For better acceptable, you can follow WHO:GMP guidelines to set-up manufacturing unit. Approximately cost required as per set-up in India is approx. 70 lakh to 1.5 crore Indian rupees. You can calculate cost of setting up plant at your desire area as per this estimate. We don’t have building specs for the type of construction needed to house a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant. But a pharmaceutical manufacturing plant should be ventilated, have AHU, Double Door system, concrete roof, cemented walls, tiled floor. A pharmaceutical plant should have covered to prevent any contamination from outside. Check out Building Specification here