How to start Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products all over India?

Query:   Dear sir I am ———— writing from this letter from Ranebennur state Karnataka, I will interested in pharmaceutical medicine marketing at my own brand name (manufacturing from third-party ) in all over INDIA. How can i marketing , and what licence may I need.
Please send detail and where may I register.


You require wholesale drug license and GST number for this start marketing company for all over India. Read whole requirement here: How to start Pharma Marketing Company?

For doing marketing whole over India, you can either appoint your own Medical Representative or you can appoint distributor at pcd pharma franchise basis. Read in detail about pcd pharma franchise here

You also have many option to market your products all over India. Read all marketing types in Article: Marketing and Sales Type in Pharmaceutical Sector.

Hope above information was useful to you… For any query and suggestion, mail us at

1 Comment

  1. Sir I am owner of wholesale pharma business having DL and gst in small city in UP..i want to start my own third party problem is if I print my local address on the label it will harm my sale and brand me local so how can I print marketed by address of big city.

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