How to sell Ayurvedic Products Online?

Non Prescription, ayurvedic, cosmetic and Over the counter medicines and dietary supplements can be sold online without any prescription.

Query 1:  

I m starting my marketing company of ayurvedic products with my own product. But it is very costly medicine. I want to sell online. My documents will be complete after 15 days. I want to sell in export market also. Kindly suggest something for marketing

Query 2:

I wish to market Ayurvedic products. Kindly advise me how to start and run a Marketing company for sale of Ayurvedic Products ONLINE.


For starting Ayurvedic Products Marketing Company, read in detail starting ayurvedic marketing company by clicking here

For online sale you will need GST number number, Pan number etc. Read about GST Number

You can apply at all main online portals for selling your Ayurvedic product. There is one condition for selling online product, your product should not be prescription product. If it has mentioned for treatment of any particular disease and only Ayurvedic practitioner can prescribe it, then you can’t sell it online. For export process you can read our article: Requirements for export of Ayurvedic Products.

Common marketing types you can read in below article: Marketing types of pharma and ayurvedic products.

Query 2:

Interested to start online sale for cosmetic and Ayurveda products


For selling online, you need GST Number. If you have this, you can make a seller account at any of online selling website.

Read: How to sell prescription Medicines online?
How to sell ayurvedic medicines online?

Hope above information is useful to you… For any query and suggestion, mail us at


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  2. I want to buy ayurvedic product’s for my shop I’ll start my business within 1 month

  3. Hello, Myself Smitha Singh. I want to share online selling bussiness with valuable and excellent in quality grocery, cosmetics, medicine and many more. And the best thing is all are AYURVEDIC. If want to know more than message me at my email id. Thanks and waiting for your positive response.

  4. Even I am a manufacturer of ayurvedic medicines for weight gain, constipation, and for throat relief pills. How can we work together?

  5. Viraj Shah from D Ayurved Surat we do manufacture several kind of generic as well as non-generic ayurvedic medicines. Interested may kindly contact me-

  6. Hey i want to start online sale of ayurvedic products, i need guidance as I’m trying but I’m not receiving any response

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