Can UPVAID or Ayurvedic Pharmacist do manufacture ayurvedic cosmetic products?

Person 1‬: I am ——- Kumar and Work as an ayurvedic upvaid in Patiala, Punjab. I am working at face skin problems from last 3-4 years and make skin face pack. These face pack has very good results. I want to sale it to any company name . Can you provide me some help.

Person 2: Sir you can register a company name and can sale out your product in market. If you have manufacturing license then only you can sell out after manufacturing otherwise you can’t sell out it in market.

Person 1‬: I have only pharmacy registration in Ayurvedic. I can’t manufactured products.

Person 2: You have to get it manufactured from ayurvedic manufacturer and then you can sell it. They can give you same composition.

Person 1: There is possibility of loss of secrecy in formula and formula can be pirated.

Person 2: Then you can go through patent. Apply for patent registration of your formula. Then no one can copy your formula.

Person 1: What are the formalities for patent.

Person 2: I tell you after confirming.

Person 1‬: Can upvaid apply for patent or there will be requirement for B.A.M.S. doctor.

Person 2: Sir I check it for.

Person 1: You are pharmacist or manufacturing unit.

Person 2: I am a Pharmacist and work for a manufacturing company.

Person 1‬: Can you help me

Person 2: Please tell…

Person 1‬: Is there any possibility, I don’t have to investment any money, company do all work and even company adjust more percentage in this work. They can check product first.

Person 2: Sir, before launching new ayurvedic combination, company has to get approval from AYUSH department. Then after one can launch product in market. There is many requirements and procedure for manufacturing of any combination in Ayurvedic medicine.

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