About making place in pharmaceutical manufacture


With reference to above subject I need some help for starting as a pharmaceutical manufacturer. Speaking truth,my knowledge and experience are minimal…with just MBBS graduation under my name (although not complete graduate coz I’m completing my internship).

I’m searching for any kind of mentor-ship or guidance coz I’m confused about how to execute…….although I do have some clear idea what I want to do? and how to start?
If u can spare your valuable time…..I will elaborate about my plans and visions n ideas

I know I’m expecting a lot from someone who don’t know me personally but lets hope this email might catch your attention .
Awaiting for your reply


For pharmaceutical manufacturing company, you have to fulfill all requirement as we mention in our article:

How to start pharmaceutical manufacturing company?

Your main requirements that you have to consider first will be following:

Above three is must for start as a pharmaceutical manufacturer. This will be first step in your journey. Complete pharmaceutical manufacturing plant project report read by clicking here

Hope above information is useful to you…

For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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