Query related to online b2b pharma company Portal


It  was very enlightening to have read your article. I am a founder of
an online b2b pharma company that sells medicines in terms of credits to retailers from wholesalers instead of cash. After reading from your article I guess that the money spent on marketing and sales by wholesalers can be effectively reduced by using my website. Now being from a non pharma I have a very big issue in determining the profit margins of the 5 players in distribution hierarchy.

  1. Can you please send the price list of all medicines currently
    available and their margins to each player?
  2. I find very difficult to settle on a e-commerce margin that can be
    collected from wholesalers. Can you please suggest a margin?
  3. Should I collect different margins for different medicines or a
    uniform margin for all medicines?
  4. How would I know the profit margins if I were to fix different
    prices for different medicines?

Thanks in advance.


Congrats for your B2B Portal for retailer and wholesaler. Before proceeding further, please conduct complete research in pharma market, so it become easy to acquire market.

Wholesale to retail transaction is already in credit, No Pharmacy and Chemist give payment in cash to wholesaler in India. Payment term is 30 to 45 days. In many cases, it crosses 45 days mark. You need to keep in mind this aspect to associate retailers and wholesalers with you.

Second aspect, wholesaler, distributor and stockist doesn’t spend at marketing. It’s company responsibility to spend at marketing and sale.

Retailers and wholesalers are key costumer only in case of generic medicines. If you also want to sell branded and ethical medicines, Retailers and wholesalers are not key costumers to decide price and margin.

  1. Margins and prices vary according to company and its marketing type, so it’s not possible to send price list of all available medicines and their margins.
  2. A wholesale charge generally 10 percent margin. A wholesaler can give your margin from this 10 percent margin. You can decide 1%, 2% or maximum of 3% that can be afford by a wholesaler against your services.
  3. You can charge differently for different type of margins according to market demand and market competition.
  4. You margin will vary according to market demand and competition. You have to fix it accordingly.

Hope above information is helpful to you…

For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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