How to start company and expand it more like MNC


I am in Biotechnology, currently working in pharmaceutical as Quality assurance, am hereby to sate that i am interested in pharmaceutical products so I want to start manufacturing pharmaceutical products. So I planed first to do marketing of pharmaceutical products with my company name and brand and if it runs well then I can plan to set up manufacturing unit. So i want your suggestions how to start company and expand it more like MNC companies. Kindly suggest me.   


Process for starting pharma marketing company read here

For starting marketing company, you need to complete all documents as given in above link.

Starting marketing company with third party manufacturing is not a difficult process but most important prospect is selling that products. You can sell your company products from any marketing types we discussed in our article: Marketing types in pharmaceutical sector

For Expanding your company like Multi national companies, first you have build a strong foundation. Select area where you want to start in beginning. Establish that area to expand your business in next area. Expand step by step till you create good presence in market. After that search for more investment in your company and cover many area’s in single time.

Slow and steady is best policy in beginning.

Hope above information is useful to you. For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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