Best Advertisement for getting Pharma Franchise and Pcd Queries?


We are having our own products 200 nos around range products I need to give ad for pharma franchise offer all over India. Kindly assist us.


If you 200 nos of products then you have very good product range according to pharma franchise market and you would not find much difficulty in finalizing franchise partners.

Selecting for better advertisement channel is always being difficult task. You need adequate research and resources while choosing advertising platform. You can advertise for franchise at print media, Internet, business portals, social media etc. Every platform has its own pro and cons. Presently most of franchise companies advertise through Google Ads, SEO, Social Media promotion, Online promotion, business portals and print media.

Print media includes drug books ( Drug today, CIMS, IDR etc), medical newspapers, local newspapers Ad etc. Business portal includes Pharma Mart, Trade India, India Mart, Exporter India etc. Google Ads belongs to Google search. This type of advertisement is also very popular. Other type of advertisement like e-mail marketing etc is also available. Ad campaign at facebook and twitter is also becoming famous but is it effective in franchise marketing or not, no one is sure.

For quick response and query for Pharma franchise, Internet is good source. Own website promotion, Business portals and Adwords is key for quick queries. Now question arises which business portal is best suitable for genuine and authentic queries. I have personally used many portals. Some time it was waste of money and some time it worth to pay for queries. You have to pay different cost for different mode of advertisement.

If you would like then start with Pharma —- portal. You will receive Average 3-4 query daily and most of inquiries will be authentic. Cost will not be much. You can start with nearly 11000/- onward packages per year. I am not sure about cost, you can confirm directly through their portal about packages. 11000/- is not a big amount, if you will feel, you are getting inquiries then continue otherwise can discontinue next year or you can ask for 6 month package that will cost less.

Google Ads is also good source of queries. But do it yourself, not through any agency. Google provides some free credit when you start with Google Ads. If you will start your Google Ads campaign yourself, that will save your lot of money. If you want, I can assist you about Google Ads.

Schedule your advertisement according to your budget. Drug Books issue for 3 months and Advertisement cost is near about 20000/- per advertisement per page. Different books have different costs and different advertisement schedule.

Print media will helpful in making brand value and getting inquiries in long run. But rate and speed of inquiries is more in Internet advertisement and marketing. For quick queries, use Internet marketing and for making brand presence use advertisement in drug books preferably in CIMS because doctors prefer it most.

Start your advertisement campaign slowly and give speed as you get results from your advertisement. One should try all way of advertisement and follow-up the results of that particular advertisement. After comparison, choose best one and speed up your best result oriented campaign. Which one is best for you, you can only find out after start.   read in detail about in our article: How to sell through Pcd/Pharma Franchise Distributors in pharmaceutical sector?

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