Regional Sales Manager (RSM) | Job Description, Roles and Responsibilities

Regional Sales Manager or RSM look after the team of Area Sales Managers. An ASM is generally become a RSM after promotion and increment. Similar in case of RSM, a hard working, good performing and experienced Area Sales Manager is promoted as Regional Sales Manager. RSM is also directly responsible for sale in his region likewise ASM and MR. Role and Responsibility of RSM is almost same in all companies and similar to ASM with additional responsibility of a bigger area and bigger team. RSM is responsible for all work done by his team members ASM and MR’s. A RSM has to fulfill all duties of ASM in case of his absence.

How can we define Regional Sales Manager?

Regional Sales Manager is defined as a team leader who instructs, motivate, handle and work with his team members to persuade doctors to prescribe their drugs to patients, provide product information, answer their queries, provide information about how to use a drug along with dose required, keep doctor up to date about latest changes in medical sciences, deliver products sample etc. with promoting company and products & generate sale for the company. An Regional Sales Manager regularly join his team members and medical representatives in field and makes calls of important doctors. Regional Sales Manager is also called as ‘RSM’ in short form.

RSM full form in sales and marketing

RSM full form in sales is Regional Sales Manager.

RSM job falls between corporate level and field officers level jobs in Pharmaceutical Sales Team:

Roles and Responsibilities of Regional Sales Manager (RSM) in Pharma Company:

The role of a Regional Sales Manager (RSM) in pharmaceutical sales is to manage and oversee a team of Area Sales Managers (ASMs) and Medical Representatives (MRs) within a specific geographical region. The RSM is responsible for driving the sales performance of their team by providing leadership, guidance, and support.

In addition to managing the sales team, the RSM is also accountable for maintaining effective relationships with key customers, such as healthcare professionals and hospital administrators, within their region. They must be knowledgeable about the products and services offered by their company, as well as the competitive landscape, in order to develop effective sales strategies and achieve sales targets.

The RSM is expected to work closely with other departments, such as marketing and medical affairs, to ensure that their team is well-equipped with the necessary product knowledge and promotional materials. They are also responsible for monitoring the sales team’s performance and providing feedback and coaching to improve sales effectiveness.

  • Selection of new staff, induction of new staff in market
  • Team Building and removing obstacles for growth
  • Making Monthly visiting plan for all ASM team members and implements it effectively by regular follow-up and discussions with team members 
  • Sale analysis: Value wise and Product Wise
  • Planning for growth of next planing year
  • Maintaining relationship with distributors, appointment of distributors and settlement of claims
  • Ensuring payment and availability of products as per sale and targets
  • Keep in regular contact with team members and maintain healthy communication & relationship 
  • Organizing conferences and seminars for doctors and healthcare professions 
  • Fulfill all requirements of his team 
  • Completing monthly, quarterly and yearly sales target 
  • Building relationships with Doctor and Healthcare professions 
  • Market review of new products and services 
  • Regular attending monthly, quarterly and yearly meeting of company 
  • Keeping up to date about company products, services and schemes 
  • Monitoring activities, products and services of competitors 


Qualification for a Regional Sales Manager varies company to company. Having 3 to 4 years of experience as area sales manager is considered good for recruiting a ASM as RSM. Most of companies recruit RSM from its area sales manager staff members but some time RSM is recruited from outside the company.

Required Character sticks of an Regional Sales Manager:

  • Inspiration and Motivator
  • Team Builder
  • Good Networking ability
  • Good Knowledge of area and region
  • Good contact with doctors and distributors in Region
  • others same as Area Sales Manager 

How can one find Regional Sales Manager’s Job?

Companies recruit Regional Sales Manager from internal team but some time they recruit from other companies either through consultants or through online job portals. Internal references also play main role in recruitment. One can find RSM jobs at Job portals like and, and other job portals, Or can apply directly in company.

How much area is Covered by an Regional Sales Manager?

Area coverage of a Regional Sales Manager is depend at Company’s Policy. Company may recruit an regional manager for 2 or 3 or more area sales manager depend at company sales, turnover, area and many other factors. Many factors effect company recruitment policy for area given to a Regional Sales manager.

To whom does an Regional Sales Manager submit his reports?

A Regional Sales Manager submits his reports to Zonal Sales Manager.

How an Regional Sales Manager does submit his Reports?

Now almost all companies have online reporting system. Company provides a unique ID and Password to every regional manager to submit his reports at daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis.

Difference between Regional sales manager (rsm) and Area sales manager (asm)

Regional sales manager (rsm) is a second line sales manager post whereas area sales manager is a front line manager post.

Regional sales manager handles the team of area sales managers whereas area sales manager handles the team of medical representatives.

Covering area of regional sales manager is big as compare to regional sales manager.

Regional sales manager primary work is related to management of sales team whereas area sales manager primary work still related to sales.


  1. Nice Information, Short and Important. Thank you…

  2. Good information


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