How to start Generic Medicine marketing Company?

Query: Have been thinking about the below way for sometime now. It’s amazing to see your’s kind of article. Really appreciable.Thought of asking help as couple of things remains vague. Please go through below and suggest… Intention is to get generic medicines manufactured from third party and do the marketing/possible wholesale / sale. As for …

How to start Export Oriented Pharmaceutical Company?

Query: I am having good marketing experiences of formulation precisely in exports market . Now I wish to start my own manufacturing setup on small – medium size set up export oriented.Please give me small outlines requirements , budget , investments require to start up etc Response: Before going into manufacturing, we will recommend you …

Why do third party/Contract Manufacturer require Trade Name/ Brand Name Affidavit?

Query: Requesting your help regarding drug brand name registrationI run a proprietorship company in Bangalore pcd business already but want to enter contract manufacturing.Companies are demanding brand name affidavits.I just want to clarify thatEg:- novamox contains amoxycillin and is made by XYZ companyShould i myself make a new brand name like zovamox and register zovamox …

How to start Ayurvedic Manufacturing Unit?

Query:   I want to start small Ayurvedic product manufacturing unit ,what is the posses of start business please guide me.   Response: For starting Ayurvedic Manufacturing company, you need to take manufacturing license from Ayush department. You can read all documentation and procedure of starting Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company here Machinery and minimum requirements for …