License required for Hand Cleaner?

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I have a query . Is it a must for a cosmetic licence to manufacture hand wash.. can we name it as hand cleaner and sell.
I have a small shed of 40 square meter and I am planning for a micro unit to manufacture hand wash.  For cosmetic licence do I need to install a air handling unit and maintain a clean room standard.

If you want to manufacture hand wash then you will require to take cosmetic manufacturing license. Hand Cleaner and similar products also fall under cosmetic category. Word like wash, cleanser, cleaner, rub etc also fall under the cosmetic category. So, you will require to take a cosmetic manufacturing license to manufacture these products.
One more way to manufacture hand wash is to take an Ayurvedic Manufacturing License and start an Ayurvedic manufacturing unit. Check out detail for starting ayurvedic manufacturing business here in India