Is Indian Pharmacist is valid to open Pharmacy in western Countries?


Hello, i have B. Pharma Degree. Have medical stores in Mumbai,. I wish to expand my business. Can I start my same medical store in foreign country like London? Will this degree help to open shop in country like london ? And if not what are requirements. what degree, documents etc. are require for shop ? And what can be the future in foreign countries ?


You can’t open pharmacy in other countries with this degree alone. Before starting pharmacy there, you need to register yourself in concern country. In some country, you can registration only based at your current education. Some can conduct any test or put a condition of any further diploma or vocational course for registration as pharmacist.

That depend at country policy which type of formalities you require to get yourself register in concern company.

Hope above information is helpful to you…   For any query and suggestion, mail us at

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