How to promote Ayurvedic Business?

Promotional and Marketing Tools

Internet Based Marketing and Promotional Techniques:

Set-Up own website: You can set-up your own ayurvedic business website and promote it through SEO, paid search engine ads, Social Media (free and paid) etc to get leads, customers and queries.

Content Marketing: You can set-up your blog, vlog, podcasts etc and operate it by keeping your target audience in mind. You can set-up your content marketing plan at own website, free blogging application, social media websites (Facebook, youtube, instagram etc).

Online Selling Portals: You can list your ayurvedic and herbal products at online selling platforms and start selling and promoting your products and services.

B2B Portals: There are number of business to business portals available who promote companies to get distributors, stockist, franchises, retailers, third party manufacturing wanted companies and other businesses. You can list your company as free as well as paid listing.

Traditional Marketing and Promotional Techniques:

Electronic and Print Media Advertisement: You can give advertisement at news papers, TV commercials/Sponsored Programs, health magazines etc to promote your products and services.

Distributor Appointment: You can appoint distributors district wise or territory wise to distribute your ayurvedic products. Distributors will supply to Retailers, chemist, Pharmacies, ayurvedic clinics, hospitals etc and you can sell them as Over the Counter products.

Prescription Based Marketing: BAMS doctors, Vaid, Hakim and RMP’s also prescribe medicines for their patients. You can promote your ayurvedic medicines as a prescription drug and convince ayurvedic practitioners to prescribe your products. Lot of ayurvedic medicines are also prescribed by allopathic doctors.

Ayurvedic Franchise Distribution: You can give franchise of your ayurvedic business whether you deal in ayurvedic medicines or you have ayurvedic clinic and panchkarma centre. Depend at your business type, you can associate interested partners to expand your business.

Related: Best Ayurvedic Franchise Company in India

Direct Selling Business or Multi Level Marketing: You can promote your ayurvedic business as direct selling and join other persons like MLM business or direct marketing techniques.

Tele-marketing and SMS/What-app marketing: Tele-marketing and sending messages through what-app or SMS is also popular way to promote your ayurvedic business.

Educational Seminars, Promotional Events and Expo, trade fairs: Advertising and sponsorship at educational and promotional events

Door to Door Marketing: Door to door marketing is oldest but still effective way to promote ayurvedic business.

Information about: – How to start ayurvedic medicine businesses i.e. manufacturing, retail, distribution, clinic etc?

Check in detail: How to promote ayush medicines?