How and Where approach for Ayurvedic Manufacturing license?


I would like to share my query regarding , how and where approach for manufacturing licence?
Suppose, I have a seeds from a plant or tree to make herbal medicine (intake ) .what I need to do from there?
Whether I need to test any laboratory first or need to register the company first?
I need to know from scratch , that’s why requesting this query.

If they need test , then where to do the test (Kerala) and what will b the formalities . I need to start with small quantity and no need to plan for manufacturing unit now. Can invest in that once the business is good . I need to do with third party manufacturing . Te product should be powdered and capsule form. Please advice from where to start?


You have to approach State Ayurvedic and Indian System of Medicines Control Officer in Kerala or any concerned department of state for applying for manufacturing license. Most of states have appointed AYUSH Department for providing manufacturing license to Ayurvedic manufacturing license. Ayush department headquarter for most of states at Capital Region. Read in detail about Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company here

If you have seeds from a plant or tree, first you have to study about particular use and medicinal effects of that seed by studying at Ayurvedic Reference books like Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Charaka Samhita, Pharmacognosy books or any other books. If that seeds has any medicinal effects then only these can be used for preparation of Ayurvedic Medicines. Testing laboratories are already situated inside manufacturing units. Read in detail about registration of an Ayurvedic Product before launching in india?

If you don’t have plan to launch own manufacturing unit, you can start by getting manufactured your products at third party or contract manufacturing basis. Read about Ayurvedic Third party Manufacturing here

At third party manufacturing, either you can use preparations that are already used by Ayurvedic manufacturers or if you have special composition of preparation, manufacturer will make arrangement for its approval…

Hope above informations are useful for you..

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