Hand Wash Manufacturing: Is Mixing the raw material come under manufacturing or not?


I wish to start a hand wash selling business.

I am planning to procure the raw material which is basically an instant mix (a powder) which if mixed with water becomes a ready to use hand wash.

I wish to buy this powder and mix it with water to make the hand wash and then pack it in small dispensers to be sold at supermarkets.

I am planning to do this from home in the state of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Please guide if I will be considered as a manufacturer (as I am just mixing the raw material with water and packing it) and what license will I require to start this business.


Mixing and preparation of material to make a finished good to sell in market is come under manufacturing process. You will be considered as manufacturer as you are mixing raw material with water and packing it.

Hand wash is a cosmetic product which manufacturing is regulated under drug and cosmetic act & rules. You have to take license before starting manufacturing of Hand wash and related products. For hand wash manufacturing unit, you will require to take either cosmetic manufacturing license or herbal medicine manufacturing license.

You can choose either of manufacturing license and starting mixing and selling hand wash. Read in detail about: How to Start Hand Wash manufacturing Company?

Along with manufacturing license, you would require to fulfil licenses i.e.

Cosmetic products sale and distribution is not restricted by any license. You can sell and market cosmetic products without any license but for manufacturing, you have to compile with requirements and specification for manufacturing license.

Check out all requirements and details in our article: How to start Cosmetic Manufacturing Unit?

Few cosmetic products could be manufactured only with udyog aadhar. Check out list of these cosmetics here

Hope above information is helpful to you….

For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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