What will be the future of Pcd pharma franchise companies after ban at 340 drug combinations in India?

Most of Pcd pharma companies are small and macro companies. They have only approximately 200 products in their price list. With coming of first 340 molecule list, an average of 10 to 15 products from price list has been banned. Some higher antibiotic combination drugs were main volume producer in invoicing.

Approximately 15 percentage of sale lost will be occur to Pcd franchise companies. Other than this most of companies will have good amount of banned drugs in their stock. Their first priority will be to clear complete banned drug stock but not a single party will want to purchase because no one wants to promote banned drugs.

New and unique combinations was best way to capture deal with new party. That will directly impact their sales and marketing strategy and will increase more rate based competition. Also this will move concentration toward ayurvedic and herbal products.

Most affected Pcd franchise companies will be of derma divisions and respiratory divisions. As news is coming, nearly 6700 molecules is in watchlist of drug department. What will happen if 6700 molecules face ban. You can expect atleast 40 to 50 brands that will not be in your product list. It will cause double loss. First one it will affect sale loss to nearly 25 to 45 percent. Second banned drug stock.

Other than pcd franchise companies, small and macro pharma manufacturing companies are also going to get major hit. They can’t sell their ongoing batches and have to face future sale loss. They may also be affected by 25 to 45 percent sale loss. That will be major set back for already struggling manufacturing unit.

What will we expect from future? Where will PCD franchise companies stand in future?

When dpco 2013 was implemented, same concern about future of pharmaceutical sector was matter of discussion. Pharma companies faced new challenges art that time especially small pharma companies. But with time we have become used to with dpco. New dpco list doesn’t produce much impact at us now. Like wise we will become habitual to this ban.

For one year pharma companies sale were effected but after some time dpco become good for Pharma companies. Same thing will happen in this case. This will produce short term effect but after some time this will be beneficial for pharmaceutical sector and patient too. We hope same for pcd pharma franchise companies but it is going to hit more as compare to dpco list.

What is your opinion in this matter. What will be the future of pcd companies after this ban? Write us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com or post a comment.

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  1. What Is The Future of PCD Pharma Franchise Business in India? Indian   Pharmaceutical Industries is a  fastest growing market in both domestic and global sector from past many years. We can get a partial idea about 

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