Can a Proprietor Ship Firm start marketing of the Pharmaceutical Products with own name?

Query:   I have seen your valuable comments on “pharma marketing related queries” on
Please share your valuable comments on the following queries: –
1. Can a Proprietor ship firm having GST and wholesale Drug License in Jhansi (MP) and office at chandigarh can keep their “marketed by” address of chandigarh office on pharmaceuticals products. but the chandigarh office have no GST and DL itself. only office.
2. Can a proprietor ship firm market the pharma products or Pvt. Ltd./Ltd./ LLP Registration is essential?


1. You can place marketed by office address from Chandigarh if you have office there. Your marketed by address could be your sales office, administered office or any other office which don’t require any drug license or GST no. Role of drug license is to receipt, stock, exhibition and sale of medicines and pharmaceutical preparations. And role of GST number is for sale and purchase of any goods. You can show it as your marketed by address but You can’t stock, receive, sell or any other medicine related thing from your Chandigarh Office. Read more about Marketed by address here

2. A proprietor ship firm can market products. You don’t need to be a pvt. ltd/ltd/llp company.

Hope this information will be helpful to you… For any query and suggestion, mail us at


  1. Hi Me and My father are thinking to start a pharmaceutical firm in which we ll get our products manufactured from the another company and will be selling under our brand name. So my query is that do we need drug license for this and is yes then what are the qualifications required for the person to apply for the drug license.

  2. You will need wholesale drug license for it. For wholesale drug license, you can read all requirements at link (Wholesale DL) given in above article

  3. What are the procedures to open the head office. Can i give my head office address on my product. I am thinking to start my pharmaceutical marketing company. Please guide me here

    1. In pharma, there is no specification for head office, only you need to license for place you want to stock, sell and bill medicines.

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