What will be the effect of recruiting only qualified employees into pharmaceutical sector?

India is the largest manufacturer of generic medicines in the world. We are the major source of essential medicines to developing countries at cheap rates. We are also second most exporting country to export medicines to USA. Indian pharmaceutical market is going to be $– million industry till 2020.

But we are lacking in many things that are hurdling in our further growth. These are; Basic infrastructure, technical staff, sticking to quality policies, manipulation with records, short term profit etc. To out come from basic problems and take Indian Pharmaceutical Industry as per international standards, the Central Drugs Standards Control Organization has issued an instruction to all pharmaceutical units to ensure that persons employed by them should have diploma or degree in relevant area and are duly trained and certified.

With effect from January 1, 2018; all pharmaceutical manufacturing companies will hire employees with diploma or degree in relevant area like if manufacturing units need to employee in manufacturing or quality department as supervisor or above position, they need to hire only diploma or degree in pharmacy. For computer operator or IT department, they need to hire a person having diploma or degree in computer education. For account department, they need to hire a person having commerce students. For engineering work, they need to hire diploma or degree in engineering.

What will be the effect?

Increase in Costing: In first look, it seems to be costlier for pharmaceutical manufacturing industries but in long term it can reduce cost for them. Person with relevant degree or diploma will take more salary as compare to persons without any formal education. At present many important works within plant is handled by non professionals having qualification less than 12th standards.

Demand of Pharmacy Professionals: It will increase demand of pharmacy professionals. At present a simple science graduate is considered equal to graduate in pharmacy. In some companies, supervisor jobs are doing by persons without any qualification. After this implementation, companies will try to hire only pharmacy professionals to avoid any problem in future.

Accurate Data Interpretation: Technical staff will have more command at fundamentals of his area. They could produce better results as compare to non technical staff.

Standard Quality Production: Each and every step will be monitored by professionals. There will be very minimum chances of mistakes so this will help in quality standard production.

More Innovative Procedures: Every new youngster comes with new idea and innovation. They can help in improving already existing system and processes. It come prevent time and money of company.

Hope above information is helpful to you…

For any query and suggestion, mail us at pharmafranchiseehelp@gmail.com

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