How to choose name for pharma company?


I have done B.Pharma.
I am going to start a Ayurveda Marketing company. First Later we will start with Allopathic also so kindly help me to choose a company name which we can use in both. Looking for your guideline and support  


For choosing new start-up name You can read guidelines in article : How to choose name for your start-up company and products?

You should choose some technical word which could provide feeling of ayurvedic medicines when you suffix Ayurveda/Herbal/Ayush etc work and provide feeling of Allopathic when you suffix Life sciences/Biotech/pharma etc word.

We provide you our company example. We entered into ayurvedic business with name of ELZAC HERBALS. Then we started our company as ELZAC LIFE SCIENCES.

Choose name that don’t provide indication to neither Ayurvedic nor Allopathic but the suffix you use that change the meaning of your selection word.

Selection of Products guidelines you can read in article: How to choose products for your company?

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