How to check about Price Control (DPCO) status of any Medicine?


I read your article and it is really very nice and helps me a lot. I am going to start my own pharmaceutical marketing company, but problem I am facing is that some of my products are under price control and having combination so how to fix MRP of it.
Can you help me to come out from this problem.
One of ingredients in combination is under NPPA DPCO other is not.

So what is the documents required to finalize MRP.
Please send me in detail. And recent updated list of controlled prices for drugs.


For products those come under DPCO and you are going to launch, Manufacturer will provide you all information about maximum retail price allowable under Price control. Government periodically revised DPCO MRP and update it at website: . All information for general public is available at this website about dpco MRP. You should regularly check National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority website mentioned above for latest happening about price control. Go to above link and click at What’s New section, just after Home botton.

There is no any documentation required to fix mrp. Combinations under price control is fixed according to allowable MRP and out side DPCO is fixed according to own need or based upon market structure. Read about complete in Fixing MRP here

You can also read about schedule and DPCO at our Article; What is Product Schedule and DPCO. How to check dpco Status?

Hope this information will be helpful to you…

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