How many c&f could be in a State?


Is there any limitation set by companies in the number of c&f in one state or whosoever wants to establish in a state irrespective of no.s of c&f in state…. Actually wants to that if suppose in srinagar there are already 5 or 6 c&f in …

Can any company permits me to establish c&f. What be the minimum project cost for c&f….


Number of c&f in one state is depend at company turnover, sale, market coverage and other things. There is not any restriction or limitation at number of c&f. But there is some conditions and agreement between companies and C&f regarding area cover and supply of goods.

Generally a particular area is given to a c&f for supplying goods where other c&f can’t supply goods to prevent one’s fundamental rights. You can contact to the companies who don’t have any c&f in Sri Nagar or who want to expand his business. Companies who need c&f will definitely give c&f to you. Minimum investment as c&f depend and vary company to company.

Read requirements for starting c&f read by clicking here  

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