Showing 160 Result(s)


Nebivolol: It is β-1 adrenoreceptor selective inhibitors. It has high selectivity for β adrenoreceptor. Mode of Action:  It is beta blocker and works by slowing down the heart rate and reducing amount of blood it pump out in blood vessels. This action reduces blood pressure. Indications:  Essential hypertension, heart failure Side Effects:  Headache, fatigue, dizziness, …


Carvedilol: Carvedilol is class of antagonists of both α and β andrenoceptor. Like Labetalol, Carvedilol is also reversible of β-blockers with concurrent α1- blocking agents that lead to peripheral vasodilation and reduce blood pressure. Carvedilol exerts antihypertensive effect partly by reducing total peripheral resistance and vasodilation by blocking α-1 adrenoreceptors and by inhibiting β-adrenoreceptor-mediated compensatory …


Labetalol: Labetalol is antagonist of both α & β andrenoceptors. Labetalol is reversible β-blockers with concurrent α1 blocking actions that produce peripheral vasodilation, thereby reducing blood pressure. Labetalol prevents vasoconstriction and helpful in patients for whom increased peripheral vascular resistance is undesirable. Labetalol does not interfere with serum lipid level and blood sugar level. Labetalol …


AmrinoneAmrinone acts by inhibiting the breakdown of both cAMP and cGMP by the phosphodiesterase (PDE3) enzyme. Positive inotrope with direct pulmonary vasodilator activity increase cardiac output and use in the treatment of cardiac heart failure. Indications:  Congestive Heart Failure etc. Side Effects:  Cardiac arrhythmia, hepatotoxicity, GI disturbance, myositis, nail discoloration, nausea, hypersensitivity, chest pain etc. …


Quinidine: It is alkaloid from Cinchona bark-the dextroisomer of quinine & has been noted to suppress ‘rebellious palpitation’. Quinidine increase threshold for excitation and reduces conduction velocity, thus limits the spread of arrhythmia. Mode of Action:  Quinidine produces its action by blocking inward sodium current. Its action is use dependent means at higher heart rates …


Eplerenone Eplerenone is an aldosterone blocker. It works by blocking the hormone aldosterone, which lowers the amount of sodium and water the body retains. This helps to lower blood pressure to help prevent strokes, heart attacks, and kidney problems. Indications:  Congestive Heart failure, post myocardial infractions, hypertension etc. Side effects:  Hyperkalaemia, hyponatraemia, hypercholesterolemia, albumin urea, …


Metolazone Metolazone is a diuretic with actions and uses similar to those of the thiazide diuretics even through it don’t contain a thiazide ring system. It works indirectly by decreasing the amount of water reabsorbed by blood stream from kidneys. By this mechanism it lowers the blood volume and reduces blood pressure and prevent excess …


Bisoprolol: Bisoprolol is a competitive antagonist of β-adrenoreceptors. Its action last for 24 hours. Bisoprolol reduces blood pressure and heart rate by blocking β- blockers. It has high selectivity toward β-blockers.It also has calcium antagonist property. Indications:  Hypertension, Angina pectoris, Heart failure, coronary artery disease etc Side Effects:  Worsening of pre-existed heart failure, Hypotension, Dizziness, …

Eprosartan Mesylate

Eprosartan Mesylate Eprosartan reduce blood pressure in two ways. First it blocks the angiotensin II receptor at AT1 receptors and second, it inhibits sympathetic norepinephrine production. The drug acts on the rennin-angiotensin system to decrease total peripheral resistance. Indications:  Hypertension etc Side Effects:  Fatigue, depression, abdominal pain, flatulence, urinary tract infections, eczema, oedema, esophagitis etc. …


Esmolol: Esmolol is β andrenoceptor blocker that selectively blocks β-1 receptors but at higher dose can also block β-2 receptors. Its β-1 receptor blocking selectivity prevents Esmolol from side effects that are associated with β-2 receptor blocking. Esmolol lowers blood pressure in hypertensive patient but don’t reduce blood pressure in normal conditions. Due to its …