Will it be advisable for me that I appoint a stockist for Franchise Marketing and start working ?


I am ———- from dimapur Nagaland . I am a regular reader of your blog . I have a query that I a have a 10 yes exp in pharma marketing. Now I want to enter into pharma pcd business. But I don’t have a drug licence. Will it be advisable for me that I appoint a stokist here in dimapur and start working.
One more query is that how is ————- pvt limited.
Please revert…


Thanks for your reading about our blog. Its our pleasure to get a regular reader.

If you don’t have drug license number then you can appoint stockist for it. There is not of any problem to appoint distributor. I know lot of marketing professionals those don’t have any drug license number and working by appointing stockist. One of my friend does the work by same process and number of my clients do work at other’s D.L. number. If you will appoint any stockist, you will give some form of stockist margin to them. They will get their margin, so any one would like to be your distributor. You can get invoice at net rates or if you don’t want to disclose rates to stockist then after discussing to company, you can get invoice at 70% of MRP or as you like. In case of 60/70%, you have to pay more tax and commission to stockist.

One can face many problems while working with appointing stockist but in starting it will help you a lot also. You can prevent lot of expenses like D.L. license, rent of premises, TIN number expenses, drug department problems, sale tax department problems etc. That will be handled by your stockist. After some time when you feel, you can take you drug license, then you can transfer stock to your firm. I always advise new comers to start by appointing any stockist and prevent your expenses as much as you can. So, you haven’t to face financial problems after starting.

But care about few things:

  1. Take marketing agreement from pharma franchise company to your name and address, not by name of stockist.
  2. Take separate authorization letter for stockist mentioning; You have appointed your stockist to ABC distributors to distribution only, not for marketing. That will make you able to change stockist in future, if you want so.
  3. Be sure, your stockist can’t send goods to any chemist without your knowledge. He should be a trusty person.
  4. He should be flexible to make some adjustment while work with you.
  5. You should also make sure, you stockist is trusty person to not disclose in market that you are only marketing for this company as franchise basis.

Sir,I have heard about ——— Medipharma but I don’t know much about ——- Medi pharma, So I can’t provide much information to you about ——– Medi Pharma. If you want then I can suggest you one company that is vacant in Nagaland and I have worked for it. But that’s you career and you should choose best possible company to start as franchise basis. You should consider all factors before choosing any company so do not face any problem after start.

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